How to use the test-exclude.defaultExclude function in test-exclude

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few test-exclude examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Eywek / v8-coverage / bin / cov8.js View on Github external
'use strict'

const yargs = require('yargs')
const exclude = require('test-exclude')
const sw = require('spawn-wrap')
const foreground = require('foreground-child')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
const rimraf = require('rimraf')
const path = require('path')

yargs // eslint-disable-line
  .usage('$0 [opts] 
github shinnn / coverage / index.js View on Github external
				...ext === 'mjs' ? [
				] : [],

		return [
				...require('test-exclude') => `--exclude="${
					// Remove this when is merged
					.replace(/(?<=\.)(?=js$)/ui, '{,c,m}')
					// Remove this when is merged
					.replace(/(?<=test)(?=\/)/ui, '{,s}')
				...reporter === undefined ? [
					`--reporter=${willUploadLcov ? 'lcovonly' : 'html'}`
				] : [],
github eggjs / egg-bin / lib / cmd / cov.js View on Github external
type: 'boolean',
      nyc: {
        description: 'nyc instruments passthrough',
        type: 'string',
        default: '--temp-directory ./node_modules/.nyc_output -r text-summary -r json-summary -r json -r lcov',

    // you can add ignore dirs here
    this[EXCLUDES] = new Set([
github splunk / splunk-sdk-javascript / node_modules / nyc / lib / commands / report.js View on Github external
    .option('report-dir', {
      describe: 'directory to output coverage reports in',
      default: 'coverage'
    .option('temp-dir', {
      alias: 't',
      describe: 'directory to read raw coverage information from',
      default: './.nyc_output'
    .option('temp-directory', {
      hidden: true
    .option('exclude', {
      alias: 'x',
      default: testExclude.defaultExclude,
      describe: 'a list of specific files and directories that should be excluded from coverage, glob patterns are supported, node_modules is always excluded',
      global: false
    .option('exclude-node-modules', {
      default: true,
      type: 'boolean',
      describe: 'whether or not to exclude all node_module folders (i.e. **/node_modules/**) by default',
      global: false
    .option('exclude-after-remap', {
      default: true,
      type: 'boolean',
      description: 'should exclude logic be performed after the source-map remaps filenames?',
      global: false
    .option('include', {


test for inclusion or exclusion of paths using globs

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Popular test-exclude functions