How to use taskgroup - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few taskgroup examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bevry / kava / source / tester.js View on Github external
function tests(opts, list) {
	return new TaskGroup({
		tasks: {
			Object.keys(opts).forEach(function(key) {
				item[key] = opts[key]
			return test(item)
		.done(function(err) {
			if (err) {
				/* eslint no-console:0 */
				console.error(err.stack || err.message || err)
github bevry / kava / source / tester.js View on Github external
function test(opts) {
	const { expected, script, reporter } = opts
	return new Task(function(complete) {
		// Prepare
		const expectedCleaned = expected.trim()

		// Test Reporter
		let output = ''
		const env = { KAVA_REPORTER: reporter, ...process.env }
		const args = [script, '--no-colors']
		const str = args.join(' ')
		process.stdout.write(sep(str.length, '=') + '\n' + str + '\n\n')
		const runner = spawn('node', args, { env })
		runner.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
			output += data
		runner.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
			output += data
github bevry / watchr / source / index.js View on Github external
this.listenerTaskGroup = null
				this.listenerTimeout = null
			} else {
				this.emit('error', new Error('unexpected state'))
		}, config.catchupDelay || 0)

		// We are a subsequent listener, in which case, just listen to the first listener tasks
		if (this.listenerTaskGroup != null) {
			return this

		// Start the detection process
		const tasks = (this.listenerTaskGroup = new TaskGroup(
			`listener tasks for ${this.path}`,
			{ domain: false }
		tasks.addTask('check if the file still exists', complete => {
			// Log
				`watch evaluating on: ${this.path} [state: ${this.state}]`

			// Check if this is still needed
			if (this.state !== 'active') {
				this.log('debug', `watch discarded on: ${this.path}`)
				return complete()
github bevry / projectz / source / lib / projectz.js View on Github external
loadPaths(next /* :function */) /* :this */ {
		// Create the parallel task group and once they've all completed fire our completion callback
		const tasks = new TaskGroup().setConfig({ concurrency: 0 }).done(next)

		// Apply our determined paths for packages
		const packages = Object.keys(this.filenamesForPackageFiles)
		const readmes = Object.keys(this.filenamesForReadmeFiles)

		// Load
		tasks.addTask(complete => {
			readdir(this.cwd, (err, files) => {
				if (err) return complete(err)
				files.forEach(file => {
					const filePath = join(this.cwd, file)

					packages.forEach(key => {
						const basename = file
github bevry / projectz / source / lib / projectz.js View on Github external
save(next /* :function */) /* :this */ {
		// Prepare
		this.log('info', 'Writing changes...')
		const tasks = new TaskGroup().setConfig({ concurrency: 0 }).done(err => {
			if (err) return next(err)
			this.log('info', 'Wrote changes')
			return next()

		// Save package files
		eachr(this.filenamesForPackageFiles, (filename, name) => {
			if (!filename || name === 'projectz') return
			const filepath = join(this.cwd, filename)
			const message = `Saving package file: ${filepath}`
			tasks.addTask(message, complete => {
				this.log('info', message)
				const data =
					JSON.stringify(this.dataForPackageFilesEnhanced[name], null, '  ') +
				writeFile(filepath, data, complete)
github bevry / projectz / source / lib / projectz.js View on Github external
load(next /* :function */) /* :this */ {
		// Reset

		// Create our serial task group to allot our tasks into and once it completes continue to the next handler
		const tasks = new TaskGroup().done(next)

		// Load readme and package data
		tasks.addTask('loadPaths', this.loadPaths.bind(this))

		// Merge our package data
		tasks.addTask('mergeData', this.mergeData.bind(this))

		// Fetch the latest contributors. This is after the merging as we access merged properties to be able to do this.
		tasks.addTask('loadGithubContributors', complete => {
			this.loadGithubContributors(err => {
				if (err)
						'Loading contributer data failed, continuing anyway. Here was the error:\n' +
github bevry / watchr / source / index.js View on Github external
next(err, list) {
					if (err) return next(err)
					const tasks = new TaskGroup(`scandir tasks for ${path}`, {
						domain: false,
						concurrency: 0
					Object.keys(list).forEach(function(relativePath) {
						tasks.addTask(function(complete) {
							const fullPath = pathUtil.join(path, relativePath)
							// Check we are still relevant
							if (watchr.state !== 'active') return complete()
							// Watch this child
							watchr.watchChild({ fullPath, relativePath }, complete)
github bevry-archive / feedr / source / index.js View on Github external
function writeFeed(response, data, writeFeedComplete) {
			// Log
			me.log('debug', `Feedr === writing [${feed.url}] to [${feed.path}]`)

			// Prepare
			const writeTasks = TaskGroup.create({ concurrency: 0 }).done(function(
			) {
				if (err) {
					// Log
						`Feedr === writing [${feed.url}] to [${feed.path}], write failed`,

					// Exit

				// Log
github bevry-archive / feedr / source / index.js View on Github external
function viaCache(viaCacheComplete) {
			// Log
			me.log('debug', `Feedr === remembering [${feed.url}] from cache`)

			// Prepare
			let meta = null
			let data = null
			const readTasks = TaskGroup.create().done(function(err) {
				viaCacheComplete(err, data, meta && meta.headers)

			readTasks.addTask('read the meta data in a cache somewhere', function(
			) {
				readMetaFile(feed.metaPath, function(err, result) {
					if (err || !result) {
					meta = result
github bevry-archive / feedr / source / index.js View on Github external
} else if (typeChecker.isArray(arg)) {
				feeds = arg
			} else if (typeChecker.isPlainObject(arg)) {
				if (index === 0) {
					feeds = arg
				} else {
					extendr.extend(defaultfeed, arg)

		// Extract
		const results = {}

		// Tasks
		const tasks = TaskGroup.create({
			concurrency: 0,
			abortOnError: false
		}).done(function() {
			let message = 'Feedr finished fetching'
			let err = null

			if (failures.length !== 0) {
				message +=
					`with ${failures.length} failures:\n` +
						.map(function(i) {
							return i.message
				err = new Error(message)
				me.log('warn', err)


Group together synchronous and asynchronous tasks and execute them with support for concurrency, naming, and nesting.

Latest version published 12 months ago

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61 / 100
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