How to use the tape.skip function in tape

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tape examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bcomnes / xor-stream / test / index.js View on Github external
var aXorBCtor = xorStreamCtor(streamACtor, streamBCtor)

test('compare longer file to shorter file', function (t) {
  // this fails right now

  var xorB = xorStream(aXorBCtor(), streamBCtor())

  streamEqual(streamACtor(), xorB, function (err, equal) {
    t.error(err, 'streams compared without error')
    t.ok(equal, 'equal pairity output')

test.skip('compare shorter file to longer file', function (t) {

  var xorA = xorStream(aXorBCtor(), streamACtor())

  streamEqual(streamBCtor(), xorA, function (err, equal) {
    t.error(err, 'streams compared without error')
    t.ok(equal, 'equal pairity output')

test('compare stings', function (t) {

  var strA = crypto.randomBytes(1000).toString('hex')
  var strB = crypto.randomBytes(1000).toString('hex')
github publiclab / webjack / test / webjack.js View on Github external

var webjack = require('../dist/webjack');

function read (file) {
  return fs.readFileSync('./test/fixtures/' + file, 'utf8').trim();

function write (file, data) { /* jshint ignore:line */
  return fs.writeFileSync('./test/fixtures/' + file, data + '\n', 'utf8');

test.skip('webjack has tests', function (t) {
  // read('something.html')
  t.equal(true, true);

test('webjack module is exported', function (t) {
	var conn = new webjack.Connection({audioCtx: AudioContext, navigator : navigator});
  t.equal(typeof conn === 'object', true);
github audiojs / audio / test / manipulations.js View on Github external
a.write([0, .25, .5, .75, 1])

	a.shift(-a.time(2), {rotate: true})
	t.deepEqual({channel: 0}), [.5, .75, 1, 0, .25])

	a.shift(a.time(3), {rotate: true})
	t.deepEqual({channel: 0}), [1, 0, 0.25, .5, .75])


t.skip('shift channels')

t.skip('stream', t => {
	// let a = Audio(MediaInput, a => {

	// })


t.skip('sync sequence', t => {

t.skip('mixed sequence', t => {

t('normalize', t => {
github gitevents / core / tests / talks.js View on Github external
// labeled_talk_without_milestone.json
  // live tested

test.skip('issue: labeled "talk" - creates a new event file at first run with valid data', function(t) {
  // labeled_talk_with_milestone.json
  // live tested

test.skip('issue: labeled "talk" - udates talk information in an event', function(t) {
  // comment_created.json
  // each comment from the issue owner should trigger an update on the talk
  // a comment from the repo owner should also trigger an update, just in case

test.skip('issue: labeled "talk" - verify important data isn\'t overwritten with an update', function(t) {
  // labeled_talk_with_milestone.json
  // check that talk.speaker, created_at etc. are the same as before and everything else is updated

test.skip('issue: unlabeled "talk" should remove a talk from the event', function(t) {
  // unlabeled_talk_with_milestone.json
  //TODO: not implemented yet
github danpaz / bodybuilder / test / aggregation-builder.js View on Github external
const result = aggregationBuilder().aggregation('percentiles', 'load_time', {
    percents: [95, 99, 99.9]

  t.deepEqual(result.getAggregations(), {
    agg_percentiles_load_time: {
      percentiles: {
        field: 'load_time',
        percents: [95, 99, 99.9]

// Skipping, first need a way to handle aggregations with no `field`
test.skip('aggregationBuilder | percentiles script aggregation', (t) => {

  const result = aggregationBuilder().aggregation('percentiles', 'load_time', {
    script: {
      inline: "doc['load_time'].value / timeUnit",
      params: {
        timeUnit: 100

  t.deepEqual(result.getAggregations(), {
    agg_percentiles_load_time: {
      percentiles: {
        script: {
          inline: "doc['load_time'].value / timeUnit",
github audiojs / audio / test / core.js View on Github external
t.skip('audio.serialize', t => {


t.skip('toArray default', t => {
	let a = Audio(.5)

	let arr = a.toArray()

	t.equal(arr.length, 22050)
	t.equal(arr[0], 0)

t.skip('toArray uint8 interleaved', t => {
	let a = Audio(.5, 2)

	let arr = a.toArray('uint8 interleaved')

	t.equal(arr.length, 22050*2)
	t.equal(arr[0], 127)

github inspect-js / is-equal / test / native.js View on Github external
var d = {};
		d[symbolIterator] = genericIterator(obj);

		it.equal(isEqual(c, d), false, 'iterable c / iterable d are not equal');
		it.equal(isEqual(d, c), false, 'iterable d / iterable c are not equal');



var Circular = function Circular() {
	this.circularRef = this;
test.skip('circular references', function (t) {
	var a = new Circular();
	var b = new Circular();
	t.equal(isEqual(a, b), true, 'two circular referencing instances are equal');

	var c = {};
	var d = {};
	c.c = c;
	d.d = d;
	t.equal(isEqual(c, d), false, 'two objects with different circular references are not equal');

github audiojs / audio / test / core.js View on Github external
let a2 = Audio({length: 1000})
	let a3 = Audio({length: 1001})
	let a4 = Audio({length: 1000}).write(1)
	let a5 = Audio.from(Audio({length: 500}).write(1), Audio({length: 500}).write(1))

	t.ok(Audio.equal(a1, a2))
	t.notOk(Audio.equal(a2, a3))
	t.notOk(Audio.equal(a2, a4))
	t.ok(Audio.equal(a4, a5))
	t.ok(Audio.equal(a1, Audio({length: 1000}), a2))
	t.notOk(Audio.equal(a1, Audio({length: 1000}), a3))


t.skip('audio.serialize', t => {


t.skip('toArray default', t => {
	let a = Audio(.5)

	let arr = a.toArray()

	t.equal(arr.length, 22050)
	t.equal(arr[0], 0)

t.skip('toArray uint8 interleaved', t => {
	let a = Audio(.5, 2)
github andrewosh / hypercore-protocol-modularized / test / all.js View on Github external
var b = protocol({timeout: 100})

  var timeout = setTimeout(function () {'should time out')
  }, 1000)

  b.on('error', function () {
    t.pass('timed out')


tape.skip('expected feeds', function (t) {
  var a = protocol({expectedFeeds: 1})

  a.on('end', function () {
    t.pass('should end')

  var ch = a.feed(KEY)


tape.skip('2 expected feeds', function (t) {
  var a = protocol({expectedFeeds: 2})
  var created = 0
github gl-vis / regl-line2d / test / index.js View on Github external
batch.push(extend({}, options, {color: colors, opacity: 1, join: 'round', overlay: true, positions: positions, miterlimit: 1, thickness: 30, dash: null}))


t.skip('rect line', t => {

t.skip('painting', t => {
  pan = false

t.skip('fix horizontal segments', t => {
  let positions = {
    x: [ 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,2,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,2.7,2.8,2.9,3,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,4,4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5,4.6,4.7,4.8,4.9,5,5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4,5.5,5.6,5.7,5.8,5.9,6,6.1,6.2,6.3,6.4,6.5,6.6,6.7,6.8,6.9,7,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5,7.6,7.7,7.8,7.9,8,8.1,8.2,8.3,8.4,8.5,8.6,8.7,8.8,8.9,9,9.1,9.2,9.3,9.4,9.5,9.6,9.7,9.8,9.9,10],
    y: [ 20.392,20.388,20.386,20.374,20.384,20.384,20.384,20.38,20.384,20.384,20.384,20.372,20.388,20.384,20.386,20.376,20.38,20.384,20.38,20.386,20.382,20.378,20.372,20.378,20.386,20.384,20.386,20.394,20.388,20.38,20.384,20.384,20.374,20.36,20.378,20.384,20.378,20.378,20.384,20.38,20.384,20.386,20.378,20.384,20.386,20.384,20.384,20.384,20.386,20.384,20.38,20.374,20.384,20.384,20.384,20.384,20.384,20.384,20.378,20.384,20.384,20.38,20.372,20.384,20.374,20.38,20.384,20.378,20.394,20.384,20.384,20.384,20.376,20.38,20.378,20.378,20.384,20.372,20.384,20.378,20.384,20.384,20.378,20.378,20.384,20.38,20.376,20.38,20.38,20.384,20.384,20.378,20.38,20.384,20.38,20.394,20.384,20.384,20.378,20.372]

  line2d.update({color: 'gray', positions, join: 'round', thickness: 10})

  batch.push(extend({}, options, {
    type: 'round',
    thickness: 10,
    color: 'gray'
