How to use the svgo/plugins/inlineStyles.params function in svgo

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few svgo examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nuxt-community / svg-sprite-module / lib / svg.js View on Github external
import inlineDefs from './plugins/inlineDefs'

// Enable removeAttrs plugin
// Remove id attribute to prevent conflict with our id = true
removeAttrs.params.attrs = 'svg:id'

// Disable removeViewBox plugin and enable removeDimensions
// Keep viewBox and remove width & height attribute = false = true

// Make all styles inline
// By definition, a defs sprite is not usable as a CSS sprite = true
inlineStyles.params.onlyMatchedOnce = false

const svgOptimizer = new Svgo({
  plugins: [
    { inlineDefs }

export async function writeSVG (path, content) {
  const result = await fs.writeFile(path, content, { flag: 'w' })
  return result
github alexjlockwood / svg2vd / src / lib / svgo.ts View on Github external
// Set a global floatPrecision across all the plugins.
const floatPrecision = 6;
for (const plugin of Object.values(pluginsData)) {
  if (plugin.params && 'floatPrecision' in plugin.params) {
    plugin.params.floatPrecision = floatPrecision;

// Tweak plugin params.
cleanupIDs.params.minify = false;
convertPathData.params.makeArcs = undefined;
convertPathData.params.transformPrecision = floatPrecision;
convertShapeToPath.params.convertArcs = true;
convertTransform.params.transformPrecision = floatPrecision;
inlineStyles.params.onlyMatchedOnce = false;
removeUselessStrokeAndFill.params.removeNone = true;

const optimizedPluginsData = (function() {
  return Object.values(pluginsData)
    .map(item => [item])
    .reduce((arr, item) => {
      const last = arr[arr.length - 1];
      if (last && item[0].type === last[0].type) {
      } else {
      return arr;
    }, []);
github alexjlockwood / ShapeShifter / src / app / modules / editor / scripts / svgo / index.ts View on Github external
// Set a global floatPrecision across all the plugins.
const floatPrecision = 6;
for (const plugin of Object.values(pluginsData)) {
  if (plugin.params && 'floatPrecision' in plugin.params) {
    plugin.params.floatPrecision = floatPrecision;

// Tweak plugin params.
cleanupIDs.params.minify = false;
convertPathData.params.makeArcs = undefined;
convertPathData.params.transformPrecision = floatPrecision;
convertShapeToPath.params.convertArcs = true;
convertTransform.params.transformPrecision = floatPrecision;
inlineStyles.params.onlyMatchedOnce = false;
removeUselessStrokeAndFill.params.removeNone = true;

const optimizedPluginsData = (function () {
  return Object.values(pluginsData)
    .map(item => [item])
    .reduce((arr, item) => {
      const last = arr[arr.length - 1];
      if (last && item[0].type === last[0].type) {
      } else {
      return arr;
    }, []);