How to use svg-tags - 7 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few svg-tags examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github idyll-lang / idyll / packages / idyll-cli / src / resolvers / components.js View on Github external

      // Else try to import it as a node module.
      try {
        // npm modules are required via relative paths to support working with a locally linked idyll.
        resolved = slash(resolve.sync(name, { basedir: this.paths.INPUT_DIR }));
      } catch (err) {
        // Import errors are silently discarded.

    if (!resolved) {
      if (
        htmlTags.indexOf(name) > -1 ||
        svgTags.indexOf(name) > -1 ||
        name === 'root'
      ) {
        // It is a valid HTML component, but should not be added to the map.
      } else {
        if (['fullwidth', 'textcontainer'].indexOf(name) > -1) {
          throw new errors.OutOfDateError(name);
        throw new errors.InvalidComponentError(name);

    debug(`Resolved component ${name} to ${resolved}`);
    return resolved;
github vuejs / jsx / packages / babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx / src / index.js View on Github external
const getTag = (t, path) => {
  const namePath = path.get('name')
  if (t.isJSXIdentifier(namePath)) {
    const name = namePath.get('name').node
    if (path.scope.hasBinding(name) && !htmlTags.includes(name) && !svgTags.includes(name)) {
      return t.identifier(name)
    } else {
      return t.stringLiteral(name)

  /* istanbul ignore else */
  if (t.isJSXMemberExpression(namePath)) {
    return transformJSXMemberExpression(t, namePath)
  /* istanbul ignore next */
  throw new Error(`getTag: ${namePath.type} is not supported`)
github stylelint / stylelint / lib / utils / isCustomElement.js View on Github external
module.exports = function(selector /*: string*/) /*: boolean*/ {
	if (!/^[a-z]/.test(selector)) {
		return false;

	if (selector.indexOf('-') === -1) {
		return false;

	const selectorLowerCase = selector.toLowerCase();

	if (selectorLowerCase !== selector) {
		return false;

	if (svgTags.indexOf(selectorLowerCase) !== -1) {
		return false;

	if (htmlTags.indexOf(selectorLowerCase) !== -1) {
		return false;

	if (keywordSets.nonStandardHtmlTags.has(selectorLowerCase)) {
		return false;

	if (mathMLTags.indexOf(selectorLowerCase) !== -1) {
		return false;

	return true;
github stylelint / stylelint / lib / rules / selector-type-no-unknown / index.js View on Github external

					if (optionsMatches(options, 'ignoreNamespaces', tagNode.namespace)) {

					if (optionsMatches(options, 'ignoreTypes', tagNode.value)) {

					const tagName = tagNode.value;
					const tagNameLowerCase = tagName.toLowerCase();

					if (
						htmlTags.indexOf(tagNameLowerCase) !== -1 ||
						svgTags.indexOf(tagNameLowerCase) !== -1 ||
						keywordSets.nonStandardHtmlTags.has(tagNameLowerCase) ||
						mathMLTags.indexOf(tagNameLowerCase) !== -1
					) {

						message: messages.rejected(tagName),
						node: rule,
						index: tagNode.sourceIndex,
github nickmessing / babel-plugin-jsx-v-model / index.js View on Github external
var isReservedTag = function isReservedTag(tag) {
  return ~htmlTags.indexOf(tag) || ~svgTags.indexOf(tag)
github stylelint / stylelint / src / rules / selector-type-no-unknown / index.js View on Github external
selectorTree.walkTags(tagNode => {
          if (!isStandardSyntaxTypeSelector(tagNode)) { return }

          if (optionsMatches(options, "ignoreTypes", tagNode.value)) { return }

          const tagName = tagNode.value
          const tagNameLowerCase = tagName.toLowerCase()

          if (htmlTags.indexOf(tagNameLowerCase) !== -1
            || svgTags.indexOf(tagNameLowerCase) !== -1
            || nonStandardHtmlTags.has(tagNameLowerCase)
          ) { return }

            message: messages.rejected(tagName),
            node: rule,
            index: tagNode.sourceIndex,
github vuejs / jsx / packages / babel-sugar-v-model / src / index.js View on Github external
const isComponent = (t, path) => {
  const name = path.get('name')
  if (t.isJSXMemberExpression(name)) {
    return true

  const tag = name.get('name').node

  return !htmlTags.includes(tag) && !svgTags.includes(tag)


List of standard SVG tags.

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Popular svg-tags functions