How to use the function in supi

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few supi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pnpm / pnpm / test / link.ts View on Github external
test('relative link', async (t: tape.Test) => {
  const project = prepare(t, {
    dependencies: {
      'hello-world-js-bin': '*',

  const linkedPkgName = 'hello-world-js-bin'
  const linkedPkgPath = path.resolve('..', linkedPkgName)

  await ncp(pathToLocalPkg(linkedPkgName), linkedPkgPath)
  await link([`../${linkedPkgName}`], path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules'), await testDefaults())

  await project.isExecutable('.bin/hello-world-js-bin')

  // The linked package has been installed successfully as well with bins linked
  // to node_modules/.bin
  const linkedProject = assertProject(t, linkedPkgPath)
  await linkedProject.isExecutable('.bin/cowsay')

  const wantedShrinkwrap = await project.loadShrinkwrap()
  t.equal(wantedShrinkwrap.dependencies['hello-world-js-bin'], 'link:../hello-world-js-bin', 'link added to wanted shrinkwrap')
  t.equal(wantedShrinkwrap.specifiers['hello-world-js-bin'], '*', 'specifier of linked dependency added to shrinkwrap.yaml')

  const currentShrinkwrap = await project.loadCurrentShrinkwrap()
  t.equal(currentShrinkwrap.dependencies['hello-world-js-bin'], 'link:../hello-world-js-bin', 'link added to wanted shrinkwrap')
github pnpm / pnpm / packages / plugin-commands-installation / src / link.ts View on Github external
storeController: s.ctrl,
          storeDir: s.dir,
        } as InstallOptions,
  const { manifest, writeImporterManifest } = await readImporterManifest(cwd, opts)

  // When running `pnpm link --production ../source`
  // only the `source` project should be pruned using the --production flag.
  // The target directory should keep its existing dependencies.
  // Except the ones that are replaced by the link.
  delete linkOpts.include

  const newManifest = await link(pkgPaths, path.join(cwd, 'node_modules'), {
  await writeImporterManifest(newManifest)

  await Promise.all(
      .map(async (storeControllerPromise) => {
        const storeControllerHolder = await storeControllerPromise
        await storeControllerHolder.ctrl.close()
github pnpm / pnpm / test / uninstall.ts View on Github external
test('relative link is uninstalled', async (t: tape.Test) => {
  const project = prepare(t)

  const linkedPkgName = 'hello-world-js-bin'
  const linkedPkgPath = path.resolve('..', linkedPkgName)

  await ncp(pathToLocalPkg(linkedPkgName), linkedPkgPath)
  await link([`../${linkedPkgName}`], path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules'), await testDefaults())
  await uninstall([linkedPkgName], await testDefaults())

  await project.hasNot(linkedPkgName)
github pnpm / pnpm / test / link.ts View on Github external
test('node_modules is pruned after linking', async (t: tape.Test) => {
  const project = prepare(t)

  await writeJsonFile('../is-positive/package.json', {name: 'is-positive', version: '1.0.0'})

  await installPkgs(['is-positive@1.0.0'], await testDefaults())

  t.ok(await exists('node_modules/.localhost+4873/is-positive/1.0.0/node_modules/is-positive/package.json'))

  await link(['../is-positive'], path.resolve('node_modules'), await testDefaults())

  t.notOk(await exists('node_modules/.localhost+4873/is-positive/1.0.0/node_modules/is-positive/package.json'), 'pruned')
github pnpm / pnpm / test / unlink.ts View on Github external
await Promise.all([
    writeJsonFile('is-subdir/package.json', {
      dependencies: {
        'is-windows': '^1.0.0',
      name: 'is-subdir',
      version: '1.0.0',
    writeJsonFile('is-positive/package.json', {
      name: 'is-positive',
      version: '1.0.0',

  await link(['is-subdir', 'is-positive'], path.join('project', 'node_modules'), await testDefaults({prefix: path.resolve('project')}))


  await install(await testDefaults())

  await unlinkPkgs(['is-subdir'], await testDefaults())

  t.equal(typeof project.requireModule('is-subdir'), 'function', 'is-subdir installed after unlinked')
  t.notOk((await isInnerLink('node_modules', 'is-positive')).isInner, 'is-positive left linked')
github pnpm / pnpm / test / unlink.ts View on Github external
await Promise.all([
    writeJsonFile('is-subdir/package.json', {
      dependencies: {
        'is-windows': '^1.0.0',
      name: 'is-subdir',
      version: '1.0.0',
    writeJsonFile('is-positive/package.json', {
      name: 'is-positive',
      version: '1.0.0',

  await link(['is-subdir', 'is-positive'], path.join('project', 'node_modules'), opts)

  await unlinkPkgs(['is-subdir', 'is-positive'], opts)

  t.equal(typeof project.requireModule('is-subdir'), 'function', 'is-subdir installed after unlinked')
  t.notOk(await exists(path.join('node_modules', 'is-positive')), 'is-positive removed as it is not in package.json')