How to use superagent - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few superagent examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github OpenNeuroOrg / openneuro / packages / openneuro-server / datalad / __tests__ / snapshots.spec.js View on Github external
it('posts to the DataLad /datasets/{dsId}/snapshots/{snapshot} endpoint', async done => {
      const tag = 'snapshot'
      const dsId = await createDataset()
      // Reset call count for
      request.__setMockResponse({ body: {} })
      await createSnapshot(dsId, tag, false)
github MyScienceWork / PolarisOS / app / modules / entities / exporter / controllers / sword.js View on Github external

    const { url, password, login } = hal_config;

    const publication = await EntitiesUtils.retrieve_and_get_source('publication', pid);
    if (!publication) {
        throw Errors.InvalidEntity;

    const xml_tei = await HalExporter.transform_publication_to_hal(publication);
    const files = Utils.find_value_with_path(publication, 'files'.split('.')) || [];
    const my_file = files.find(f => f.is_master) || (files.length > 0 ? files[0] : null);
    const skip_files = files.length === 0 || ((my_file.access.restricted || my_file.access.confidential) && !my_file.access.delayed);
    // console.log(xml_tei);

    const req =
        .set('Packaging', '')
        .auth(encodeURIComponent(login), encodeURIComponent(password));

    const result_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        .on('response', result => resolve(result)).on('error', err => reject(err));
    if (skip_files) {
        req.set('Content-Type', 'text/xml')
    } else {
            .set('Content-Type', 'application/zip')
            .set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=meta.xml');
github jsonresume / resume-cli / lib / settings.js View on Github external
function changeTheme(themeCredentials) {
    var spinner = new Spinner('changing theme...');
        .put(registryServer + '/resume')
        .set('X-API-Key', 'foobar')
        .set('Accept', 'application/json')
        .end(function(error, res) {
            // console.log(error, res);
            // cannot read property of null
            if (error && error.code === 'ENOTFOUND') {
                console.log('\nThere has been an error publishing your resume.'.red);
                console.log('Please check your network connection.'.cyan);
            } else if (error || res.body.message === 'ERRORRRSSSS') {
                console.log(error, res.body.message);
                console.log('\nThere has been an error publishing your resume.'.red);
github groupwrite-io / / src / components / GamePage.vue View on Github external
syncText: function () {
      // Sync to server
      console.log(`Syncing text for ${this.sharedState.playerId}`)'/api/suggest', {
        playerId: this.sharedState.playerId,
        suggestion: this.sharedState.suggestionText
      }, function (err, state) {
        // handle error
        if (err) {
          window.alert(err + '\r\n' + state.text)
    theend: function () {
github drone / drone-ui / src / actions / events.js View on Github external
events.on(PATCH_REPO, function(event) {
  const {owner, name} =;

  // there is a bug where the input parameter names differ from
  // the output parameter names. This attempts to resolve.
  if ( !== undefined) {['allow_deploy'] =;
  if ( !== undefined) {['allow_tag'] =;

    .set('X-CSRF_TOKEN', token)
    .end((err, response) => {
      if (err != null) {
        tree.set(['pages', 'toast'], 'Error updating repository settings');
      let repo = JSON.parse(response.text);
      tree.set(['repos', owner, name], repo);
      tree.set(['pages', 'toast'], 'Successfully updated repository settings');
github TeselaGen / openVectorEditor / app / cerebral / actions / loadFromFile.js View on Github external
export default function loadFromFile({input, state, output}) {
    var seqFileParser = require('bio-parsers/parsers/anyToJSON');

    console.log("did it. :3");

    if(id && sid) 
            .set('X-ICE-Authentication-sessionId', sid)
            .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            .send(/* results of seqfileparser? or is that on node server*/)
            .end(function(err, result) {
                if(err) {
                    console.log("unable to load file, something went wrong: " + err)
    } else {
        console.log("something went wrong, unable to upload file");

github TeselaGen / openVectorEditor / app / cerebral / actions / saveToServer.js View on Github external
featureList[f].id = sequenceData.features[f].id;
        featureList[f].type = sequenceData.features[f].type;
        featureList[f].name = sequenceData.features[f].name;
        featureList[f].strand = sequenceData.features[f].strand;
        featureList[f].notes = sequenceData.features[f].notes;
        featureList[f].locations = [{}];
        featureList[f].locations[0].genbankStart = sequenceData.features[f].start;
        featureList[f].locations[0].end = sequenceData.features[f].end;

    newSequenceData.features = featureList;

    // remember to do checks for bad id and sid and sequence length

    // parts is always parts, even for plasmids and seeds
        .post('rest/parts/' + id + '/sequence?sid=' + sid)
        .set('X-ICE-Authentication-sessionId', sid)
        .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        .end(function(err, result) {
            if(err) {
                console.log("unable to save to registry, something went wrong: " + err)
github BitGo / BitGoJS / modules / core / src / bitgo.ts View on Github external
// prevent IE from caching requests
        thisReq.set('If-Modified-Since', 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
        if (self._token) {

          // do a localized data serialization process
          let data = (thisReq as any)._data;
          if (typeof data !== 'string') {

            let contentType = thisReq.get('Content-Type');
            // Parse out just the content type from the header (ignore the charset)
            if (contentType) {
              contentType = contentType.split(';')[0];
            let serialize = superagent.serialize[contentType];
            if (!serialize && /[\/+]json\b/.test(contentType)) {
              serialize = superagent.serialize['application/json'];
            if (serialize) {
              data = serialize(data);
          (thisReq as any)._data = data;

          const urlDetails = url.parse(req.url);

          let queryString: string | undefined;
          const query: string[] = (req as any)._query;
          const qs: { [key: string]: string } = (req as any).qs;
          if (query && query.length > 0) {
            // browser version
            queryString = query.join('&');
            (req as any)._query = [];
github BitGo / BitGoJS / modules / core / src / bitgo.ts View on Github external
thisReq.set('BitGo-Auth-Version', '2.0');
        // prevent IE from caching requests
        thisReq.set('If-Modified-Since', 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
        if (self._token) {

          // do a localized data serialization process
          let data = (thisReq as any)._data;
          if (typeof data !== 'string') {

            let contentType = thisReq.get('Content-Type');
            // Parse out just the content type from the header (ignore the charset)
            if (contentType) {
              contentType = contentType.split(';')[0];
            let serialize = superagent.serialize[contentType];
            if (!serialize && /[\/+]json\b/.test(contentType)) {
              serialize = superagent.serialize['application/json'];
            if (serialize) {
              data = serialize(data);
          (thisReq as any)._data = data;

          const urlDetails = url.parse(req.url);

          let queryString: string | undefined;
          const query: string[] = (req as any)._query;
          const qs: { [key: string]: string } = (req as any).qs;
          if (query && query.length > 0) {
            // browser version
github smclab / ti-superagent / titanium.js View on Github external
query = request.serializeObject(query);
    this.url += ~this.url.indexOf('?')
      ? '&' + query
      : '?' + query;

  // initiate request, this.url, true);

  // CORS
  if (this._withCredentials) xhr.withCredentials = true;

  // body
  if ('GET' != this.method && 'HEAD' != this.method && 'string' != typeof data && !isHost(data)) {
    // serialize stuff
    var serialize = request.serialize[this.getHeader('Content-Type')];
    if (serialize) data = serialize(data);

  // set header fields
  for (var field in this.header) {
    if (null == this.header[field]) continue;
    xhr.setRequestHeader(field, this.header[field]);

  // send stuff
  this.emit('request', this);
  return this;