How to use the sumchecker.NoChecksumFoundError function in sumchecker

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sumchecker examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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.catch(err => {
      if (err instanceof sumchecker.ChecksumMismatchError) {
        console.error(`${fail} The checksum of ${err.filename} from ` +
          `${validationArgs.fileSource} did not match the shasum in ` +
      } else if (err instanceof sumchecker.ChecksumParseError) {
        console.error(`${fail} The checksum file ${validationArgs.shaSumFile} ` +
          `from ${validationArgs.fileSource} could not be parsed.`, err)
      } else if (err instanceof sumchecker.NoChecksumFoundError) {
        console.error(`${fail} The file ${err.filename} from ` +
          `${validationArgs.fileSource} was not in the shasum file ` +
      } else {
        console.error(`${fail} Error matching files from ` +
          `${validationArgs.fileSource} shasums in ${validationArgs.shaSumFile}.`, err)
  console.log(`${pass} All files from ${validationArgs.fileSource} match ` +


Checksum validator

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