How to use the sucrase.transform function in sucrase

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sucrase examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github powercord-org / powercord / src / Powercord / modules / jsx.js View on Github external
require.extensions['.jsx'] = (_module, filename) => {
    const source = readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
    const hash = checksum(`/* sucrase-jsx (${sucrase.getVersion()}) | ${filename} */ ${source}`);
    const cached = join(cacheDir, `${hash}.js`);

    try {
      _module._compile(readFileSync(cached, 'utf8'), filename);
    } catch (_) {
      const res = sucrase.transform(source, {
        transforms: [ 'jsx' ],
        filePath: filename

      _module._compile(res, filename);

      writeFile(cached, res, (err) => {
        if (err) {
          console.error('%c[Powercord:JSX]', 'color: #7289da', 'Failed to write to cache');
github preactjs / preact-www / src / components / controllers / repl / repl.worker.js View on Github external
export function process(code) {
	code = `${IMPORTS}${code}`;

	if (!code.match(/[\s\b;,]export[{ ]/)) {
		code = code.replace(
			/([\s\b;,])((async )?(function|class)[\s{])/g,
			'$1export default $2'

	let out = {};
	try {
		out = transform(code, {
			filePath: 'repl.js',
			sourceMapOptions: {
				compiledFilename: 'repl.js'
			transforms: ['jsx', 'typescript', 'imports'],
			// omit _jsxSource junk
			production: true,
			// .default fixing since we're using shim modules
			enableLegacyTypeScriptModuleInterop: true,
			enableLegacyBabel5ModuleInterop: true,
			jsxPragma: 'h',
			jsxFragmentPragma: 'Fragment'
	} catch (err) {
		if ( !== 'SyntaxError' && /unexpected\stoken/i.test(err.message)) {
			let old = err;
github alangpierce / sucrase / integrations / gulp-plugin / src / index.ts View on Github external
file: any,
    enc: string,
    // tslint:disable-next-line no-any
    cb: (err?: any, data?: any) => void,
  ): void {
    if (file.isNull()) {
      cb(null, file);
    if (file.isStream()) {
      cb(new PluginError(PLUGIN_NAME, "Streaming is not supported."));

    try {
      const resultCode = transform(file.contents.toString(), {filePath: file.path, ...options})
      file.contents = Buffer.from(resultCode);
      file.path = replaceExt(file.path, ".js");
    } catch (e) {
      e.message = `Error when processing file ${file.path}: ${e.message}`;
      this.emit("error", new PluginError(PLUGIN_NAME, e));

github WeAreGenki / minna-ui / utils / jest-config / transforms / es.js View on Github external
exports.process = (src, filename) => {
  const transforms = getTransforms(filename);

  if (transforms !== null) {
    const result = transform(src, {
      filePath: filename,
      jsxFragmentPragma: 'Fragment', // Preact style JSX
      jsxPragma: 'h',
      production: true, // Don't add debug attributes to snapshots

    return {
      code: result.code,
      map: result.sourceMap,

  return { code: src, map: '' };
github popeindustries / dvlp / lib / utils / file.js View on Github external
if (transpiled) {
          // Ignore async
          if (transpiled instanceof Promise) {
          } else {
            code = transpiled;

      if (!isModule(code)) {
        return code;

      return sucrase.transform(code, {
        transforms: ['imports'],
github alangpierce / sucrase / integrations / webpack-loader / src / index.ts View on Github external
function loader(code: string): string {
  const webpackRemainingChain = getRemainingRequest(this).split("!");
  const filePath = webpackRemainingChain[webpackRemainingChain.length - 1];
  const options: Options = getOptions(this) as Options;
  return transform(code, {filePath, ...options}).code;
github Financial-Times / x-dash / packages / x-node-jsx / index.js View on Github external
const handleJSX = (code) => {
		const transformed = transform(code, options);
		return transformed.code;
github alangpierce / sucrase / integrations / jest-plugin / src / index.ts View on Github external
export function process(src: string, filename: string): string {
  const transforms = getTransforms(filename);
  if (transforms !== null) {
    return transform(src, {transforms, filePath: filename}).code;
  } else {
    return src;
github alangpierce / sucrase / website / src / Worker.worker.ts View on Github external
() =>
      Sucrase.transform(config.code, {transforms: getSelectedTransforms(), filePath: getFilePath()})


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