How to use styled-icons - 1 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few styled-icons examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jacobwgillespie / styled-icons / packages / website / src / components / IconExplorer.tsx View on Github external
} from 'styled-icons'
import iconManifest from 'styled-icons/manifest.json'

import {IconCard} from './IconCard'

interface IconType {
  importPath: string
  name: string
  originalName: string
  pack: string
  icon: StyledIcon

const icons =
  (icon: any): IconType => {
    switch (icon.pack) {
      case 'boxicons-logos':
        return {...icon, icon: boxiconsLogos[ as keyof typeof boxiconsLogos]}

      case 'boxicons-regular':
        return {...icon, icon: boxiconsRegular[ as keyof typeof boxiconsRegular]}

      case 'boxicons-solid':
        return {...icon, icon: boxiconsSolid[ as keyof typeof boxiconsSolid]}

      case 'crypto':
        return {...icon, icon: crypto[ as keyof typeof crypto]}

      case 'evil':
        return {...icon, icon: evil[ as keyof typeof evil]}


Icons from packs like Font Awesome, Material, Octicons, Feather, Icomoon, and Boxicons available as Styled Components

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Popular styled-icons functions