How to use strong-remoting - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few strong-remoting examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github strongloop-community / loopback-sdk-android / test-server / remoting / index.js View on Github external
// Node module: loopback-sdk-android
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at

var SG = require('strong-globalize');
var g = SG();
var express = require('express');
var remotes = require('strong-remoting').create();
var SharedClass = require('strong-remoting').SharedClass;

remotes.exports = {
  simple: require('./simple'),
  contract: require('./contract'),

remotes.addClass(new SharedClass('SimpleClass', require('./simple-class')));
remotes.addClass(new SharedClass('ContractClass', require('./contract-class')));

var app = express();
app.use(require('morgan')('strong-remoting> :method :url :status'));

var server = require('http')
  .listen(3001, function() {
      '{{strong-remoting}} test server listening on {{http://localhost:3001/}}'));
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// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at

var SG = require('strong-globalize');
var g = SG();
var express = require('express');
var remotes = require('strong-remoting').create();
var SharedClass = require('strong-remoting').SharedClass;

remotes.exports = {
  simple: require('./simple'),
  contract: require('./contract'),

remotes.addClass(new SharedClass('SimpleClass', require('./simple-class')));
remotes.addClass(new SharedClass('ContractClass', require('./contract-class')));

var app = express();
app.use(require('morgan')('strong-remoting> :method :url :status'));

var server = require('http')
  .listen(3001, function() {
      '{{strong-remoting}} test server listening on {{http://localhost:3001/}}'));
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// Copyright IBM Corp. 2014. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: loopback-sdk-android
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at

var SG = require('strong-globalize');
var g = SG();
var express = require('express');
var remotes = require('strong-remoting').create();
var SharedClass = require('strong-remoting').SharedClass;

remotes.exports = {
  simple: require('./simple'),
  contract: require('./contract'),

remotes.addClass(new SharedClass('SimpleClass', require('./simple-class')));
remotes.addClass(new SharedClass('ContractClass', require('./contract-class')));

var app = express();
app.use(require('morgan')('strong-remoting> :method :url :status'));

var server = require('http')
github strongloop / loopback / lib / model.js View on Github external
description: idDesc},
      // {arg: 'instance', type: 'object', http: {source: 'body'}}
      {arg: 'options', type: 'object', http: createOptionsViaModelMethod},

    ModelCtor.sharedCtor.http = [
      {path: '/:id'},

    ModelCtor.sharedCtor.returns = {root: true};

    var remotingOptions = {};
    extend(remotingOptions, options.remoting || {});

    // create a sharedClass
    var sharedClass = ModelCtor.sharedClass = new SharedClass(

    // before remote hook
    ModelCtor.beforeRemote = function(name, fn) {
      var className = this.modelName;
      this._runWhenAttachedToApp(function(app) {
        var remotes = app.remotes();
        remotes.before(className + '.' + name, function(ctx, next) {
          return fn(ctx, ctx.result, next);
github strongloop / loopback / lib / model.js View on Github external
description: idDesc},
      // {arg: 'instance', type: 'object', http: {source: 'body'}}
      {arg: 'options', type: 'object', http: createOptionsViaModelMethod},

    ModelCtor.sharedCtor.http = [
      {path: '/:id'},

    ModelCtor.sharedCtor.returns = {root: true};

    const remotingOptions = {};
    extend(remotingOptions, options.remoting || {});

    // create a sharedClass
    const sharedClass = ModelCtor.sharedClass = new SharedClass(

    // before remote hook
    ModelCtor.beforeRemote = function(name, fn) {
      const className = this.modelName;
      this._runWhenAttachedToApp(function(app) {
        const remotes = app.remotes();
        remotes.before(className + '.' + name, function(ctx, next) {
          return fn(ctx, ctx.result, next);
github ShoppinPal / Materializecss-Autocomplete / node_modules / loopback / lib / model.js View on Github external
description: idDesc},
      // {arg: 'instance', type: 'object', http: {source: 'body'}}
      {arg: 'options', type: 'object', http: createOptionsViaModelMethod},

    ModelCtor.sharedCtor.http = [
      {path: '/:id'}

    ModelCtor.sharedCtor.returns = {root: true};

    var remotingOptions = {};
    extend(remotingOptions, options.remoting || {});

    // create a sharedClass
    var sharedClass = ModelCtor.sharedClass = new SharedClass(

    // setup a remoting type converter for this model
    RemoteObjects.convert(typeName, function(val) {
      return val ? new ModelCtor(val) : val;

    // before remote hook
    ModelCtor.beforeRemote = function(name, fn) {
      var className = this.modelName;
      this._runWhenAttachedToApp(function(app) {
        var remotes = app.remotes();
        remotes.before(className + '.' + name, function(ctx, next) {
github EdgeVerve / oe-cloud / lib / preboot.js View on Github external

  var actualType = SharedMethod.getType(uarg);

  // convert values to the correct type
  // TODO(bajtos) Move conversions to HttpContext (and friends)
  // SharedMethod should only check that argument values match argument types.
  var conversionNeeded = targetType !== 'any' &&
    actualType !== 'undefined' &&
    actualType !== targetType;

  if (conversionNeeded) {
    // JSON.parse can throw, so catch this error.
    try {
      uarg = convertValueToTargetType(name, uarg, targetType);
      actualType = SharedMethod.getType(uarg);
    } catch (e) {
      var message = util.format('invalid value for argument \'%s\' of type ' +
        '\'%s\': %s. Received type was %s. Error: %s',
      name, targetType, uarg, typeof uarg, e.message);
      throw new BadArgumentError(message);

  var typeMismatch = targetType !== 'any' &&
    actualType !== 'undefined' &&
    targetType !== actualType &&
    // In JavaScript, an array is an object too (typeof [] === 'object').
    // However, SharedMethod.getType([]) returns 'array' instead of 'object'.
    // We must explicitly allow assignment of an array value to an argument
    // of type 'object'.
    !(targetType === 'object' && actualType === 'array');
github EdgeVerve / oe-cloud / lib / preboot.js View on Github external
var targetTypeIsArray = Array.isArray(targetType) && targetType.length === 1;

  // If coercing an array to an erray,
  // then coerce all members of the array too
  if (targetTypeIsArray && Array.isArray(uarg)) {
    return uargMapFn(arg, ix) {
      // when coercing array items, use only name and type,
      // ignore all other root settings like "required"
      return coerceAccepts(arg, {
        name: name + '[' + ix + ']',
        type: targetType[0]

  var actualType = SharedMethod.getType(uarg);

  // convert values to the correct type
  // TODO(bajtos) Move conversions to HttpContext (and friends)
  // SharedMethod should only check that argument values match argument types.
  var conversionNeeded = targetType !== 'any' &&
    actualType !== 'undefined' &&
    actualType !== targetType;

  if (conversionNeeded) {
    // JSON.parse can throw, so catch this error.
    try {
      uarg = convertValueToTargetType(name, uarg, targetType);
      actualType = SharedMethod.getType(uarg);
    } catch (e) {
      var message = util.format('invalid value for argument \'%s\' of type ' +
        '\'%s\': %s. Received type was %s. Error: %s',
github strongloop / loopback-connector-remote / lib / remote-connector.js View on Github external
function RemoteConnector(settings) {
  assert(typeof settings ===
  'cannot initialize RemoteConnector without a settings object');
  this.client = settings.client;
  this.adapter = settings.adapter || 'rest';
  this.protocol = settings.protocol || 'http';
  this.root = settings.root || ''; = || 'localhost';
  this.port = settings.port || 3000;
  this.remotes = remoting.create(settings.options); = 'remote-connector';

  if (settings.url) {
    this.url = settings.url;
  } else {
    this.url = this.protocol + '://' + + ':' + this.port + this.root;

  // handle mixins in the define() method
  const DAO = this.DataAccessObject = function() {
github ShoppinPal / Materializecss-Autocomplete / node_modules / loopback / lib / model.js View on Github external

    ModelCtor.sharedCtor.returns = {root: true};

    var remotingOptions = {};
    extend(remotingOptions, options.remoting || {});

    // create a sharedClass
    var sharedClass = ModelCtor.sharedClass = new SharedClass(

    // setup a remoting type converter for this model
    RemoteObjects.convert(typeName, function(val) {
      return val ? new ModelCtor(val) : val;

    // before remote hook
    ModelCtor.beforeRemote = function(name, fn) {
      var className = this.modelName;
      this._runWhenAttachedToApp(function(app) {
        var remotes = app.remotes();
        remotes.before(className + '.' + name, function(ctx, next) {
          return fn(ctx, ctx.result, next);

    // after remote hook
    ModelCtor.afterRemote = function(name, fn) {