How to use string-template - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few string-template examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Raynos / http-framework / examples / mvc / features / user / index.js View on Github external
// to enable using sub routes in our controller we create
    // a new router. This router is a ChildRouter and will delegate
    // all error and 404 handler to it's parent. i.e. the global
    // application
    var controller = Router({ prefix: prefix })

    // We instantiate our model here with the database configuration
    // the model is local to this user feature
    var model = UserModel(config.db)
    // we set up configuration to pass to our views.
    // we also set up an urlMap so that views are not hard coded
    // to specific paths
    var viewsConfig = { layout: config.layout, urlMap: {
        "user": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}"),
        "userEdit": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}/edit"),
        "userPet": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}/pet"),
        "pet": format.bind(null, + "/{petId}")
    } }

    // optionally /. so its /user & /user/
    controller.addRoute("/?", function (req, res, opts, cb) {
        model.getAll(function (err, users) {
            if (err) {
                return cb(err)

            sendHtml(req, res, usersPage(users, viewsConfig))
github Raynos / http-framework / examples / mvc / features / user / index.js View on Github external
// to enable using sub routes in our controller we create
    // a new router. This router is a ChildRouter and will delegate
    // all error and 404 handler to it's parent. i.e. the global
    // application
    var controller = Router({ prefix: prefix })

    // We instantiate our model here with the database configuration
    // the model is local to this user feature
    var model = UserModel(config.db)
    // we set up configuration to pass to our views.
    // we also set up an urlMap so that views are not hard coded
    // to specific paths
    var viewsConfig = { layout: config.layout, urlMap: {
        "user": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}"),
        "userEdit": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}/edit"),
        "userPet": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}/pet"),
        "pet": format.bind(null, + "/{petId}")
    } }

    // optionally /. so its /user & /user/
    controller.addRoute("/?", function (req, res, opts, cb) {
        model.getAll(function (err, users) {
            if (err) {
                return cb(err)

            sendHtml(req, res, usersPage(users, viewsConfig))

    controller.addRoute("/:userId/edit", function (req, res, opts, cb) {
github Raynos / http-framework / examples / mvc / features / user / index.js View on Github external
// a new router. This router is a ChildRouter and will delegate
    // all error and 404 handler to it's parent. i.e. the global
    // application
    var controller = Router({ prefix: prefix })

    // We instantiate our model here with the database configuration
    // the model is local to this user feature
    var model = UserModel(config.db)
    // we set up configuration to pass to our views.
    // we also set up an urlMap so that views are not hard coded
    // to specific paths
    var viewsConfig = { layout: config.layout, urlMap: {
        "user": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}"),
        "userEdit": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}/edit"),
        "userPet": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}/pet"),
        "pet": format.bind(null, + "/{petId}")
    } }

    // optionally /. so its /user & /user/
    controller.addRoute("/?", function (req, res, opts, cb) {
        model.getAll(function (err, users) {
            if (err) {
                return cb(err)

            sendHtml(req, res, usersPage(users, viewsConfig))

    controller.addRoute("/:userId/edit", function (req, res, opts, cb) {
        model.get(opts.userId, function (err, user) {
github Raynos / http-framework / examples / mvc / features / user / index.js View on Github external
// all error and 404 handler to it's parent. i.e. the global
    // application
    var controller = Router({ prefix: prefix })

    // We instantiate our model here with the database configuration
    // the model is local to this user feature
    var model = UserModel(config.db)
    // we set up configuration to pass to our views.
    // we also set up an urlMap so that views are not hard coded
    // to specific paths
    var viewsConfig = { layout: config.layout, urlMap: {
        "user": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}"),
        "userEdit": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}/edit"),
        "userPet": format.bind(null, prefix + "/{userId}/pet"),
        "pet": format.bind(null, + "/{petId}")
    } }

    // optionally /. so its /user & /user/
    controller.addRoute("/?", function (req, res, opts, cb) {
        model.getAll(function (err, users) {
            if (err) {
                return cb(err)

            sendHtml(req, res, usersPage(users, viewsConfig))

    controller.addRoute("/:userId/edit", function (req, res, opts, cb) {
        model.get(opts.userId, function (err, user) {
            if (err) {
github 715209 / nginx-obs-automatic-low-bitrate-switching / src / components / Chat.js View on Github external
obsinfo() {
        if (this.obsProps.streamStatus != null) {
            const { fps, kbitsPerSec } = this.obsProps.streamStatus;

                format(this.locale.obsinfo.success, {
                    currentScene: this.obsProps.currentScene,
                    fps: Math.round(fps),
                    bitrate: kbitsPerSec
        } else {
github 715209 / nginx-obs-automatic-low-bitrate-switching / src / components / Chat.js View on Github external
async switch(sceneName) {
        if (sceneName == null) return this.say(this.locale.switch.error);

        const res = search(sceneName, this.obsProps.scenes, { keySelector: obj => });
        const scene = res.length > 0 ? res[0].name : sceneName;

        try {
            await this.obs.setCurrentScene({
                "scene-name": scene

                format(this.locale.switch.success, {
        } catch (e) {
github javascript-obfuscator / javascript-obfuscator / src / custom-nodes / debug-protection-nodes / DebugProtectionFunctionIntervalNode.ts View on Github external
protected getTemplate (): string {
        return format(DebugProtectionFunctionIntervalTemplate(), {
            debugProtectionFunctionName: this.debugProtectionFunctionName
github 715209 / nginx-obs-automatic-low-bitrate-switching / src / components / Chat.js View on Github external, index) => {
                    if (arr[0] == alias) {
                        delete this.aliases[alias];
                            format(this.locale.alias.removed, {
                                alias: alias
                        exists = true;
github 715209 / nginx-obs-automatic-low-bitrate-switching / src / components / Chat.js View on Github external
log.success(`Started recording`);
            } catch (error) {
                    format(`[REC] ${this.locale.rec.error}`, {
                        option: this.locale.rec.started
        } else {
            try {
                const res = await this.obs.StopRecording();
                if (res.status === "ok") this.say(`[REC] ${this.locale.rec.stopped}`);
                log.success(`Stopped recording`);
            } catch (error) {
                    format(` [REC] ${this.locale.rec.error}`, {
                        option: this.locale.rec.stopped
github javascript-obfuscator / javascript-obfuscator / src / custom-nodes / domain-lock-nodes / DomainLockNode.ts View on Github external
protected getTemplate (): string {
        const domainsString: string = this.options.domainLock.join(';');
        const [hiddenDomainsString, diff]: string[] = this.cryptUtils.hideString(
            domainsString.length * 3
        const globalVariableTemplate: string = !== ObfuscationTarget.BrowserNoEval
            ? this.getGlobalVariableTemplate()
            : GlobalVariableNoEvalTemplate();

        return format(DomainLockNodeTemplate(), {
            domainLockFunctionName: this.identifierNamesGenerator.generate(),
            diff: diff,
            domains: hiddenDomainsString,
            singleNodeCallControllerFunctionName: this.callsControllerFunctionName


A simple string template function based on named or indexed arguments

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Popular string-template functions