How to use the stream-json/streamers/StreamValues.withParser function in stream-json

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few stream-json examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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async function ingest (options) {
  let resources = [];

  const pipeline = stdin().pipe(StreamValues.withParser());

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    pipeline.on('data', async ({ value }) => {
      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        resources = resources.concat(value);
      } else {

      if (resources.length >= options.chunk) {
        try {
          const payload = resources.slice();
          resources = [];
          await batchUpload(options, payload);
        } catch (err) {
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stream.on("response", headers => {
        const status: number = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] as any
        if (status !== HTTP_STATUS_OK) {
          reject(new HttpError(status))

          .on("data", (object: any) => {
            const data = object.value
            if (log.isDebugEnabled) {
              log.debug({event: JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}, "remote builder event")

            if (data.status != null) {
    {status: data.status}, "remote building")
            else if ("error" in data) {
              resolve({files: null, error: data.error})
            else if ("files" in data) {
              this.downloadArtifacts(data.files, data.fileSizes, data.baseUrl)
                .then(() => {


stream-json is the micro-library of Node.js stream components for creating custom JSON processing pipelines with a minimal memory footprint. It can parse JSON files far exceeding available memory streaming individual primitives using a SAX-inspired API. I

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