How to use the stream-buffers.ReadableStreamBuffer function in stream-buffers

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few stream-buffers examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github fossasia / open-event-wsgen / src / backend / dist.js View on Github external
uploadWithProgress: function(fileBuffer, fileSize, emitter) {
    const progressor = progressStream({length: fileSize, speed: 1}, function(progress) {
      console.log('Zip upload: Status =' + parseInt(progress.percentage, 10) + '%');
      emitter.emit('upload.progress', progress);

    const fileBufferStream = new streamBuffer.ReadableStreamBuffer({
      // frequency: 100,   // in milliseconds.
      chunkSize: 4096  // in bytes.

      .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(path.join(uploadsPath, '')));
  cleanUploads: function(id) {
github hapi-learning / hapi-learning / app / controllers / course.js View on Github external
const isFile = results.isFile;
            const result = results.result;

            if (isFile) {

                const filename = Path.basename(result).replace(/"/g, '\\"');
                const contentDisposition = 'attachment; filename="' + filename + '"';
                const stream = Fs.createReadStream(result);

                return reply(stream)
                    .header('Content-Disposition', contentDisposition)
                    .header('Content-Length', results.size);

            const stream = new StreamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({
                frequency: 10,     // in milliseconds.
                chunkSize: 204800  // 200Ko

            const pathName = path === '/' ? '' : '_' + require('path').basename(path);
            const filename = (course + pathName + '.zip').replace(/"/g, '\\"');
            const contentDisposition = 'attachment; filename="' + filename + '"';

            return reply(stream)
                .header('Content-Disposition', contentDisposition);
github OpenEnergyDashboard / OED / src / server / routes / fileProcessing.js View on Github external
const validParams = {
		type: 'object',
		maxProperties: 1,
		required: ['meter_id'],
		properties: {
			meter_id: {
				type: 'number'
	if (!validate(req.params, validParams).valid || !req.file.buffer) {
	} else {
		try {
			const id = parseInt(req.params.meter_id);
			const myReadableStreamBuffer = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({
				frequency: 10,
				chunkSize: 2048
			// stop() indicates we are done putting the data in our readable stream.
			try {
				await streamToDB(myReadableStreamBuffer, row => {
					const readRate = Number(row[0]);
					const endTimestamp = moment(row[1], 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm');
					const startTimestamp = moment(row[1], 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm').subtract(60, 'minutes');
					return new Reading(id, readRate, startTimestamp, endTimestamp);
				}, (readings, tx) => Reading.insertOrUpdateAll(readings, tx));
				res.status(200).json({ success: true });
			} catch (e) {
				res.status(403).json({ success: false, message: 'Failed to upload data.' });
github noopkat / ms-bing-speech-service / lib / sendFile.js View on Github external
const createAudioStream = function(file) {
  const options = {
    frequency: 200,
    chunkSize: 32000

  const audioStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer(options);

  // add some silences at the end to tell the service that it is the end of the sentence
  audioStream.put(new Buffer(160000));
  return audioStream;
github noopkat / ms-translator-speech-service / lib / send-file.js View on Github external
fs.access(filepath, (error) => {
    if (error) {
      return callback ? callback(new Error(`could not find file ${filepath}`)) : null;

    absoluteFilepath = path.resolve(filepath);

    const options = {
      frequency: 100, 
      chunkSize: 32000 

    const audioStream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer(options);

    fs.readFile(absoluteFilepath, (error, file) => {

      // add some silences at the end to tell the service that it is the end of the sentence
      audioStream.put(new Buffer(160000));

      audioStream.on('data', (data) => this.sendBytes(data));
      audioStream.on('end', () => {if (callback) return callback()});
github jsantell / pcm-transform / test / utils.js View on Github external
exports.createReadStream = function (buffer, options) {
  buffer = Buffer.isBuffer(buffer) ? buffer : new Buffer(buffer);
  var stream = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer(options);
  return stream;
github jsantell / s3-stream-upload / test / utils.js View on Github external
function createBufferStream (n, options) {
  var stream = new ReadableStreamBuffer({ frequency: 1, chunkSize: 1024 * 64 });
  var buffer = new Buffer(+n);
  return stream;
exports.createBufferStream = createBufferStream;
github looker / lookerbot / lib / stores / google_cloud_store.ts View on Github external
public storeImage(buffer: Buffer): Promise {

    const blobStream = new ReadableStreamBuffer();

    const storage = gcs({
      credentials: process.env.GOOGLE_CLOUD_CREDENTIALS_JSON ? JSON.parse(process.env.GOOGLE_CLOUD_CREDENTIALS_JSON) : undefined,
      projectId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT,

    const bucketName = process.env.GOOGLE_CLOUD_BUCKET;
    const bucket = storage.bucket(bucketName);
    const key = this.randomPath();
    const file = bucket.file(key);

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      .pipe(file.createWriteStream({public: true}))
github alanzanattadev / atom-molecule-dev-environment / lib / ExecutionControlEpic / LanguageServerProtocolFeature / Model / IntegratedStager.js View on Github external
export function runIntegratedStager(config: { plan: PlanConfig }): Stager {
  const controllerInStream = new StreamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer();
  const moleculeInStream = new StreamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer();
  const controllerOutStream = new RedirectWritableStream(
  const moleculeOutStream = new RedirectWritableStream(

  const controllerStreams = {
    inStream: controllerInStream,
    outStream: controllerOutStream,

  const moleculeStreams = {
github raphamorim / react-tv / packages / webos / lib / novacom.js View on Github external
d.sftpPut(a, b, function(e) {
        e ? (log.verbose(e), 4 === e.code || 127 === e.code ? (log.verbose("Session#put()", "sftp is not available, attempt transfering file via streamPut"), is = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer, is.pause(), fs.readFile(a, function(a, e) {
          if (a) return c(a);
          d.streamPut(b, is, c)
        })) : (14 === e.code && (e = errMsgHndl.changeErrMsg("insufficient free space")), setImmediate(c,
          e))) : setImmediate(c)


Buffer-backed Streams for reading and writing.

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