How to use stimulus - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few stimulus examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pypa / warehouse / warehouse / admin / static / js / warehouse.js View on Github external
// Import stimulus
import { Application } from "stimulus";
import { definitionsFromContext } from "stimulus/webpack-helpers";

document.querySelectorAll("a[data-form-submit]").forEach(function (element) {
  element.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
    // We're turning this element into a form submission, so instead of the
    // default action, this event will handle things.

    // Find the form identified by our formSubmit, and submit it.
    document.querySelector("form#" + element.dataset.formSubmit).submit();

const application = Application.start();
const context = require.context("./controllers", true, /\.js$/);
github hopsoft / stimulus_toolbox / app / javascript / controllers / index.js View on Github external
// Load all the controllers within this directory and all subdirectories.
// Controller files must be named *_controller.js.

import { Application } from 'stimulus'
import { definitionsFromContext } from 'stimulus/webpack-helpers'
import StimulusReflex from 'stimulus_reflex'
import consumer from '../channels/consumer'
import controller from './application_controller'

const application = Application.start()
const context = require.context('controllers', true, /_controller\.js$/)
StimulusReflex.initialize(application, { consumer, controller, debug: true })
github leastbad / beast_mode / app / javascript / controllers / index.js View on Github external
// Load all the controllers within this directory and all subdirectories.
// Controller files must be named *_controller.js.

import { Application } from 'stimulus'
import { definitionsFromContext } from 'stimulus/webpack-helpers'
import StimulusReflex from 'stimulus_reflex'
import consumer from '../channels/consumer'
import controller from '../controllers/application_controller'

const app = require.context('controllers', true, /_controller\.js$/)

const application = Application.start()
application.consumer = consumer

StimulusReflex.initialize(application, {
  debug: true,
  isolate: true
github namiwang / fiber-note / app / javascript / controllers / index.js View on Github external
// Load all the controllers within this directory and all subdirectories. 
// Controller files must be named *_controller.js.

import { Application } from "stimulus"
import { definitionsFromContext } from "stimulus/webpack-helpers"

const application = Application.start()
const context = require.context("controllers", true, /_controller\.[jt]s$/)
github jasl / cybros_core / app / javascript / controllers / index.js View on Github external
// Load all the controllers within this directory and all subdirectories. 
// Controller files must be named *_controller.js.

import { Application } from "stimulus"
import { definitionsFromContext } from "stimulus/webpack-helpers"

const application = Application.start()
const context = require.context("controllers", true, /_controller\.js$/)
github cedarcode / webauthn-rails-demo-app / app / javascript / packs / application.js View on Github external
// present in this directory. You're encouraged to place your actual application logic in
// a relevant structure within app/javascript and only use these pack files to reference
// that code so it'll be compiled.
// To reference this file, add <%= javascript_pack_tag 'application' %> to the appropriate
// layout file, like app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

var Turbolinks = require("turbolinks")


import { Application } from "stimulus"
import { definitionsFromContext } from "stimulus/webpack-helpers"

const application = Application.start()
const context = require.context("controllers", true, /.js$/)
github kami-zh / repost / app / javascript / packs / application.js View on Github external
/* eslint no-console:0 */
// This file is automatically compiled by Webpack, along with any other files
// present in this directory. You're encouraged to place your actual application logic in
// a relevant structure within app/javascript and only use these pack files to reference
// that code so it'll be compiled.
// To reference this file, add <%= javascript_pack_tag 'application' %> to the appropriate
// layout file, like app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

import { Application } from 'stimulus'
import { definitionsFromContext } from 'stimulus/webpack-helpers'

const application = Application.start()
const context = require.context('../controllers', true, /\.js$/)

github gesteves / denali / app / frontend / packs / entry.js View on Github external
/* global require */
import { Application } from 'stimulus';
import { definitionsFromContext } from 'stimulus/webpack-helpers';

const application = Application.start();
const context = require.context('controllers/entry', true, /.js$/);
const sharedContext = require.context('controllers/shared', true, /.js$/);

if (navigator.serviceWorker) {
  navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service_worker.js', {
    scope: '/',
    updateViaCache: 'none'
github gesteves / denali / app / frontend / packs / admin.js View on Github external
/* global require */
import { Application } from 'stimulus';
import { definitionsFromContext } from 'stimulus/webpack-helpers';
import Rails from '@rails/ujs';
import Turbolinks from 'turbolinks';

const application = Application.start();
const context = require.context('controllers/admin', true, /.js$/);
const sharedContext = require.context('controllers/shared', true, /.js$/);

github michael-simons / bootiful-music / knowledge / src / main / assets / javascripts / application.js View on Github external
import 'bootstrap';

import Turbolinks from "turbolinks";

import { Application } from "stimulus"
import IndexController from "./controllers/index_controller"

const application = Application.start()
application.register("index", IndexController)



Stimulus JavaScript framework

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