How to use std-env - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few std-env examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nuxt / nuxt.js / packages / config / src / config / _common.js View on Github external
export default () => ({
  // Env
  dev: Boolean(,
  test: Boolean(env.test),
  debug: undefined, // = dev
  env: {},

  // Mode
  mode: 'universal',
  modern: undefined,

  // Globals
  globalName: `nuxt`,
  globals: {
    id: globalName => `__${globalName}`,
    nuxt: globalName => `$${globalName}`,
    context: globalName => `__${globalName.toUpperCase()}__`,
    pluginPrefix: globalName => globalName,
    readyCallback: globalName => `on${capitalize(globalName)}Ready`,
    loadedCallback: globalName => `_on${capitalize(globalName)}Loaded`
github nuxt / consola / src / node.js View on Github external
function createConsola () {
  // Log level
  let level = env.debug ? 4 : 3
  if (process.env.CONSOLA_LEVEL) {
    level = parseInt(process.env.CONSOLA_LEVEL) || level

  // Create new consola instance
  const consola = new Consola({
    reporters: [
      ( || env.test)
        ? new BasicReporter()
        : new FancyReporter()

  // Expose constructors
  consola.Consola = Consola
  consola.BasicReporter = BasicReporter
  consola.FancyReporter = FancyReporter
  consola.JSONReporter = JSONReporter
  consola.WinstonReporter = WinstonReporter

  return consola
github nuxt / nuxt.js / lib / common / nuxt.config.js View on Github external
buildDir: '.nuxt',
  nuxtAppDir: path.resolve(nuxtDir, 'lib', 'app'),
  modulesDir: ['node_modules'], // ~> relative to options.rootDir

  // Ignore
  ignorePrefix: '-',
  ignore: [

  extensions: [],

  build: {
    quiet: Boolean( || env.test),
    analyze: false,
    profile: process.argv.includes('--profile'),
    extractCSS: false,
    cssSourceMap: undefined,
    ssr: undefined,
    parallel: false,
    cache: false,
    publicPath: '/_nuxt/',
    filenames: {
      // { isDev, isClient, isServer }
      app: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[name].js' : '[chunkhash].js',
      chunk: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[name].js' : '[chunkhash].js',
      css: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[name].js' : '[contenthash].css',
      img: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[path][name].[ext]' : 'img/[hash:7].[ext]',
      font: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[path][name].[ext]' : 'fonts/[hash:7].[ext]',
      video: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[path][name].[ext]' : 'videos/[hash:7].[ext]'
github nuxt / nuxt.js / packages / cli / src / utils / banner.js View on Github external
export function showBanner (nuxt, showMemoryUsage = true) {
  if (env.test) {

  if (env.minimalCLI) {
    for (const listener of nuxt.server.listeners) {'Listening on: ' + listener.url)

  const titleLines = []
  const messageLines = []

  // Name and version
  const { bannerColor } = nuxt.options.cli
  titleLines.push(`${chalk[bannerColor].bold('Nuxt.js')} ${nuxt.constructor.version}`)
github bakjs / bak / packages / bak / lib / options.js View on Github external
// Validation errors
  const { validate } = options.server.routes
  if (validate.failAction === undefined) {
    validate.failAction = async (_, __, err) => {
      if ( {
        consola.error(err + '')
      throw err

  return options

Options.defaults = {
  dev: !env.production && !env.test && !,
  relativeTo: '',
  routeTable: undefined,
  registrations: [],
  routes: [],
  esm: {},
  prefix: '/',
  nodemon: {},
  devErrors: {
    showErrors: undefined,
    useYouch: true,
    toTerminal: false
  server: {
    cache: null,
    port: process.env.PORT || 3000,
    host: process.env.HOST || '',
github nuxt / nuxt.js / packages / config / src / config / build.js View on Github external
export default () => ({
  quiet: Boolean( || env.test),
  analyze: false,
  profile: process.argv.includes('--profile'),
  extractCSS: false,
  crossorigin: undefined,
  cssSourceMap: undefined,
  ssr: undefined,
  parallel: false,
  cache: false,
  standalone: false,
  publicPath: '/_nuxt/',
  filenames: {
    // { isDev, isClient, isServer }
    app: ({ isDev, isModern }) => isDev ? `${isModern ? 'modern-' : ''}[name].js` : '[chunkhash].js',
    chunk: ({ isDev, isModern }) => isDev ? `${isModern ? 'modern-' : ''}[name].js` : '[chunkhash].js',
    css: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[name].css' : '[contenthash].css',
    img: ({ isDev }) => isDev ? '[path][name].[ext]' : 'img/[hash:7].[ext]',
github nuxt / press / jest.config.js View on Github external
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./test/utils/setup'],

  coverageDirectory: './coverage',

  collectCoverageFrom: [

  moduleNameMapper: {
    "@/(.*)$": "/test/$1",
    "~/(.*)$": "/src/$1",
    // TODO: enable this again when we re-introduce a build step
    "^pressModule$": false && ? "/" : "/distributions/nuxt-press/src"

  transform: {
    '^.+\\.js$': 'babel-jest',
    '^.+\\.vue$': 'vue-jest'

  moduleFileExtensions: [

  reporters: [
    // ['jest-junit', { outputDirectory: 'reports/junit' }]
github nuxt / nuxt.js / packages / webpack / src / config / base.js View on Github external
plugins.push(...(buildOptions.plugins || []))

    plugins.push(new WarningIgnorePlugin(this.warningIgnoreFilter()))

    // Build progress indicator
    plugins.push(new WebpackBar({
      color: this.colors[],
      reporters: [
      basic: !buildOptions.quiet && env.minimalCLI,
      fancy: !buildOptions.quiet && !env.minimalCLI,
      profile: !buildOptions.quiet && buildOptions.profile,
      stats: !buildOptions.quiet && ! && buildOptions.stats,
      reporter: {
        change: (_, { shortPath }) => {
          if (!this.isServer) {
            nuxt.callHook('bundler:change', shortPath)
        done: (buildContext) => {
          if (buildContext.hasErrors) {
        allDone: () => {
github nuxt / nuxt.js / packages / cli / src / utils / banner.js View on Github external
export function showBanner (nuxt, showMemoryUsage = true) {
  if (env.test) {

  if (env.minimalCLI) {
    for (const listener of nuxt.server.listeners) {'Listening on: ' + listener.url)

  const titleLines = []
  const messageLines = []

  // Name and version
  const { bannerColor } = nuxt.options.cli
  titleLines.push(`${chalk[bannerColor].bold('Nuxt.js')} ${nuxt.constructor.version}`)

  // Running mode
  titleLines.push(`Running in ${ ?'development') :'production')} mode (${chalk.bold(nuxt.options.mode)})`)
github nuxt / nuxt.js / packages / webpack / src / config / base.js View on Github external
plugins.push(...(buildOptions.plugins || []))

    plugins.push(new WarningIgnorePlugin(this.warningIgnoreFilter()))

    // Build progress indicator
    plugins.push(new WebpackBar({
      color: this.colors[],
      reporters: [
      basic: !buildOptions.quiet && env.minimalCLI,
      fancy: !buildOptions.quiet && !env.minimalCLI,
      profile: !buildOptions.quiet && buildOptions.profile,
      stats: !buildOptions.quiet && ! && buildOptions.stats,
      reporter: {
        change: (_, { shortPath }) => {
          if (!this.isServer) {
            nuxt.callHook('bundler:change', shortPath)
        done: (buildContext) => {
          if (buildContext.hasErrors) {
        allDone: () => {


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