How to use the sprintf-js.sprintf function in sprintf-js

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sprintf-js examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github thiagodp / concordialang / src / modules / testscript / PluginInputProcessor.ts View on Github external
private drawSinglePlugin = ( p: TestScriptPluginData ): void => {
        const format = "  - %-12s: %s"; // util.format does not support padding :(
        this.write( 'Plugin ' + chalk.yellow( ) );
        this.write( sprintf( format, 'version', p.version ) );
        this.write( sprintf( format, 'description', p.description ) );
        this.write( sprintf( format, 'targets', p.targets.join( ', ' ) ) );
        const authors = ( a, idx ) => 0 === idx ? a : sprintf( '%-17s %s', '', a ) );
        this.write( sprintf( format, 'authors', authors.join( '\n') ) );        
        this.write( sprintf( format, 'fake', p.isFake ? 'yes': 'no' ) );        
        this.write( sprintf( format, 'file', p.file ) );
        this.write( sprintf( format, 'class', p.class ) );        
github laurent22 / joplin / ReactNativeClient / lib / services / RevisionService.js View on Github external
if (rev) this.logger().debug(sprintf('RevisionService::collectRevisions: Saved revision %s (old note)',;

							const rev = await this.createNoteRevision_(note);
							if (rev) this.logger().debug(sprintf('RevisionService::collectRevisions: Saved revision %s (Last rev was more than %d ms ago)',, Setting.value('revisionService.intervalBetweenRevisions')));
							this.isOldNotesCache_[noteId] = false;

					if (change.type === ItemChange.TYPE_DELETE && !!change.before_change_item) {
						const note = JSON.parse(change.before_change_item);
						const revExists = await Revision.revisionExists(BaseModel.TYPE_NOTE,, note.updated_time);
						if (!revExists) {
							const rev = await this.createNoteRevision_(note);
							if (rev) this.logger().debug(sprintf('RevisionService::collectRevisions: Saved revision %s (for deleted note)',;

		} catch (error) {
			if (error.code === 'revision_encrypted') {
				// One or more revisions are encrypted - stop processing for now
				// and these revisions will be processed next time the revision
				// collector runs.
				this.logger().info('RevisionService::collectRevisions: One or more revision was encrypted. Processing was stopped but will resume later when the revision is decrypted.', error);
			} else {
				this.logger().error('RevisionService::collectRevisions:', error);
github fengari-lua / fengari / src / lstrlib.js View on Github external
if (, -0))
            zero = "-" + zero;
        return to_luastring(zero);
    } else {
        let buff = "";
        let fe = frexp(x);  /* 'x' fraction and exponent */
        let m = fe[0];
        let e = fe[1];
        if (m < 0) {  /* is number negative? */
            buff += '-';  /* add signal */
            m = -m;  /* make it positive */
        buff += "0x";  /* add "0x" */
        buff += (m * (1<
github cloudera / hue / desktop / core / src / desktop / js / ko / bindings / ko.simplesize.js View on Github external
humanSize: function(bytes) {
      const isNumber = !isNaN(parseFloat(bytes)) && isFinite(bytes);
      if (!isNumber) {
        return '';

      // Special case small numbers (including 0), because they're exact.
      if (bytes < 1000) {
        return sprintf.sprintf('%d', bytes);

      let index = Math.floor(that.getBaseLog(bytes, 1000));
      index = Math.min(that.units.length - 1, index);
      return sprintf.sprintf('%.1f %s', bytes / Math.pow(1000, index), that.units[index]);
github decrypto-org / blockchain-course / app / src / views / Assignments / AssignmentDetails.js View on Github external
getDescription (assignment) {
    const aux = assignment.aux ? assignment.aux : ''

    assignment.description = sprintf(assignment.description, ...aux.split(','))
    let description = assignment.description.split('\n')

    return, index) => (
github oracle / content-and-experience-toolkit / sites / bin / asset.js View on Github external
var x =;
			var y =;
			return (x &lt; y ? -1 : x &gt; y ? 1 : 0);
		list[i].items = byName;

	var format = '   %-15s %-s';
	if (repository) {
		console.log(sprintf(format, 'Repository:',;
	if (collection) {
		console.log(sprintf(format, 'Collection:',;
	if (channel) {
		console.log(sprintf(format, 'Channel:',;
	console.log(sprintf(format, 'Items:', ''));

	var format2 = '   %-38s %-38s %-11s %-s';
	console.log(sprintf(format2, 'Type', 'Id', 'Status', 'Name'));
	for (var i = 0; i &lt; list.length; i++) {
		for (var j = 0; j &lt; list[i].items.length; j++) {
			var item = list[i].items[j];
			var typeLabel = j === 0 ? item.type : '';
			console.log(sprintf(format2, typeLabel,, item.status,;
github DinoChiesa / apigee-edge-js / lib / deployableAsset.js View on Github external
const undeployRevision = function(name, rev){
          if (conn.verbosity>0) {
            utility.logWrite(sprintf('Undeploy %s %s r%s from env:%s', assetType, name, rev, env));
          common.insureFreshToken(conn, function(requestOptions) {
            requestOptions.url = urljoin(conn.urlBase,
                                         'environments', env,
                                         collection, name,
                                         'revisions', rev,
            if (conn.verbosity>0) {
              utility.logWrite(sprintf('DELETE %s', requestOptions.url));
            request.del(requestOptions, common.callback(conn, [200], cb));
    if (rev) {
github philipmulcahy / azad / src / js / table.js View on Github external
cols.forEach( col_spec => {
                        if(col_spec.is_numeric) {
                            col_spec.sum = floatVal(
                                   .map( v => floatVal(v) )
                                   .reduce( (a, b) => a + b, 0 )
                            col_spec.pageSum = floatVal(
                                api.column(col_index, { page: 'current' })
                                   .map( v => floatVal(v) )
                                   .reduce( (a, b) => a + b, 0 )
                                sprintf.sprintf('page=%s; all=%s',
                        col_index += 1;
github DinoChiesa / apigee-edge-js / lib / deployableAsset.js View on Github external
common.insureFreshToken(conn, function(requestOptions) {
            requestOptions.url = urljoin(conn.urlBase,
                                         'environments', env,
                                         collection, name,
                                         'revisions', rev,
            if (conn.verbosity>0) {
              utility.logWrite(sprintf('DELETE %s', requestOptions.url));
            request.del(requestOptions, common.callback(conn, [200], cb));
github mgechev / codelyzer / src / propertyDecoratorBase.ts View on Github external
const formatFailureString = (config: PropertyDecoratorConfig, decoratorStr: string, className: string): string => {
  const { decoratorName, errorMessage, propertyName } = config;
  const decorators = arrayify(decoratorName)
    .map(d => `"@${d}"`)
    .join(', ');

  return sprintf(errorMessage, decoratorStr, className, propertyName, decorators);


JavaScript sprintf implementation

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