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db.put([triple1, triple2], () => {
const graph = new LevelRDFGraph(db)
const dataset = new HashMapDataset('', graph)
const query = `
PREFIX foaf:
SELECT ?name
?s foaf:name ?name .
// Creates a plan builder for the RDF dataset
const builder = new PlanBuilder(dataset)
// Get an iterator to evaluate the query
const iterator =
// Read results
iterator.subscribe(bindings => {
find (triple) {
const { subject, predicate, object } = formatTriplePattern(triple)
return this._store.getTriples(subject, predicate, object)
estimateCardinality (triple) {
const { subject, predicate, object } = formatTriplePattern(triple)
return Promise.resolve(this._store.countTriples(subject, predicate, object))
const graph = new N3Graph()
const dataset = new HashMapDataset('', graph)
// Load some RDF data into the graph
const parser = new Parser()
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix : .
:a foaf:name "a" .
:b foaf:name "b" .
`).forEach(t => {
const query = `
PREFIX foaf:
SELECT ?name