How to use snekfetch - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few snekfetch examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DS-Development / delet / commands / Misc / google.js View on Github external
async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
        const searchMessage = await"Searching Google...");
        const searchURL = `${encodeURIComponent(message.content)}`;

        return snekfetch.get(searchURL).then((result) => {

            const $ = cheerio.load(result.text);
            let googleData = $(".r").first().find("a").first().attr("href");

            googleData = querystring.parse(googleData.replace("/url?", ""));
            searchMessage.edit(`Result found!\n${googleData.q}`);

        }).catch((err) => {
github NotAWeebDev / Misaki / commands / fun / yomomma.js View on Github external
async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    try {

      if (message.settings.socialSystem === "true") {
        if (!(await this.cmdPay(message,, return;

      const { text } = await snekfetch.get("");`_${JSON.parse(text).joke}_`);
    } catch (error) {
github NotAWeebDev / Misaki / commands / fun / gif.js View on Github external
async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const list = await get("");
    const tag = list.body.random();
    const giflist = await get(`${tag.title}&api-key=39YAprx5Yi`);{
      "embed": {
        "image": {
          "url": giflist.body.random().file
        "footer": {
          "icon_url":{ format: "png", size: 32 }),
          "text": `Requested by ${} | Powered by`
github NotAWeebDev / Misaki / commands / fun / lovecalc.js View on Github external
async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    if (!message.mentions.members.size) return message.response(undefined, "Ba-Baka! How will I tell you, how much you love someone. If I don't know who!"); //Response Can Be Refined 😂
    const data = await get(`${message.member.displayName}&sname=${message.mentions.members.first().displayName}`).set("X-Mashape-Key", process.env.MASHAPE);
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()
      .addField("Lover", data.body.fname)
      .addField("Crush", data.body.sname)
      .addField("Love Percent", data.body.percentage)
 { embed });
github NotAWeebDev / Misaki / commands / social / upvote.js View on Github external
async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    if ( !== "396331425621868554") return message.reply(`This command can only be used in Okami Academy, run ${message.settings.prefix}invite to get the invite link.`);
    const { body } = await get(`${}/check?userId=${}`).set("Authorization", process.env.DBLTOKEN);
    if (Boolean(body.voted)) { // eslint-disable-line no-extra-boolean-cast
      if (message.member.roles.has(upvoterRole)) return"You have the role already.");
        .then(() => message.reply("You have been awarded the `Updooter` role, thank you for your support.\nDon't forget to revote next month!"))
        .catch((error) => {
"Something went wrong, please try again later.");
    } else {`To claim the \`Updooter\` to show your support, please go upvote ${this.client.user.username} at , then after voting return and run the command again to claim your role reward.`);
github NotAWeebDev / Misaki / commands / owner / dblstats.js View on Github external
async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const { body } = await get(`${}/votes?onlyids=true`).set("Authorization", this.client.config.dblToken);
    await message.buildEmbed()
      .setColor( || 5198940)
      .setThumbnail(this.client.user.displayAvatarURL({format: "png"}))
      .setTitle("Discord Bot List Upvoters")
      .setDescription(`Voter(s) <@${body.join(">, <@")}>`)
      .addField("Voter Count", body.length, true)
github NotAWeebDev / Misaki / commands / animals / shiba.js View on Github external
async run(message, args, level, loadingMessage) {
    const { body } = await get("");
    await loadingMessage.edit({
      embed: {
        "title": "Click here if the image failed to load.",
        "url": body[0],
        "color": 6192321,
        "image": {
          "url": body[0]
github NotAWeebDev / Misaki / commands / fun / pun.js View on Github external
async run(message, args, level, loadingMessage) {
    const { text } = await get("");
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()

    await loadingMessage.edit({ embed });
github NotAWeebDev / Misaki / commands / animals / bird.js View on Github external
async run(message, args, level, loadingMessage) { 
    const { body } = await get("");
    return loadingMessage.edit({
      embed: {
        "title": "Click here if the image failed to load.",
        "url": `${body}`,
        "color": 6192321,
        "image": {
          "url": `${body}`
github NotAWeebDev / Misaki / commands / fun / joke.js View on Github external
async run(message, args, level, loadingMessage) {
    const { body } = await get("").set("Authorization", process.env.TYPICAL);
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()
      .setFooter("Powered by TypicalBot API.");
    await loadingMessage.edit({ embed });


Just do http requests without all that weird nastiness from other libs

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Popular snekfetch functions