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Persona.prototype._applyVisualFilter = function(amount) {
if (this.mVisualFocusEffectEnabled) {
if (!this.mVisualFocusFilter) {
this.mVisualFocusFilter = this.paper.filter(Snap.filter.grayscale(this.mVisualFocusGrayScaleAmount));
this.mVisualFocusFilter.attr({filterUnits: 'objectBoundingBox', x: '-0.1', y: '-0.1', width: '1.2', height: '1.2'});
if (!amount) {
this.attr({opacity: 1, filter: null });
} else {
/* horrible Edge hack */
/* eslint-disable */
/* TODO: remove once Edge fixes its `innerHTML` implementation */
/* eslint-enable */
if (!this.mIsEdge) {
this.mVisualFocusFilter.node.innerHTML = Snap.filter.grayscale(this.mVisualFocusGrayScaleAmount * amount);
var attributes = {
opacity: 1.0 - ((1.0 - this.mVisualFocusOpacityAmount) * amount),
if (!this.mVisualFocusEffectCompatibilityMode) { /* snap svg filters like the grayscale are not compatible with Firefox/IE */
attributes.filter = this.mVisualFocusFilter;
const opt = self.option
if (opt.button && typeof opt.button === 'string') {
const r = opt.buttonWidth / 2
const center =
const deg = (180 - opt.buttonDeg) / 2
const [pathArc, , , end] = describeArc(center[0], center[1], r, deg - 360, 360 - deg)
const top = [center[0], center[1] - r / Snap.cos(deg)]
const pathD = `${pathArc}L${top[0]},${top[1]}L${end.x},${end.y}L${center[0]},${center[1]}`
const b = svg.path(pathD)
fill: opt.color.button,
filter: svg.filter(Snap.filter.shadow(0, 3, 3, 'black', 0.5))
let text = null
if (opt.buttonText !== '') {
const maxLen = r * 2 * 0.8
let fontSize = opt.buttonFontSize ? opt.buttonFontSize : baseFontSize
let textSum = 0
for (let i = 0; i < opt.buttonText.length; ++i) {
if (opt.buttonText[i].match(/\w/)) {
textSum += 1
} else textSum += 2
if (!opt.buttonFontSize) {
fontSize = fontSize * textSum / 2 > maxLen ? maxLen / textSum * 2 : fontSize
text = svg.text(center[0], center[1], opt.buttonText)