How to use the snake-case.snakeCase function in snake-case

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few snake-case examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github adonisjs / adonis-lucid / src / Orm / Relations / ManyToMany / index.ts View on Github external

     * Parent model and it's foreign key in pivot table
    this.localKey = this._options.localKey || this.model.$primaryKey
    this.pivotForeignKey = this._options.pivotForeignKey || snakeCase(
    this.pivotForeignKeyAlias = `pivot_${this.pivotForeignKey}`

     * Related model and it's foreign key in pivot table
    this.relatedKey = this._options.relatedKey || this.relatedModel().$primaryKey
    this.pivotRelatedForeignKey = this._options.pivotRelatedForeignKey || snakeCase(
    this.pivotRelatedForeignKeyAlias = `pivot_${this.pivotRelatedForeignKey}`

     * Validate computed keys to ensure they are valid

     * Keys for the adapter
    this.localAdapterKey = this.model.$getColumn(this.localKey)!.castAs
    this.relatedAdapterKey = this.relatedModel().$getColumn(this.relatedKey)!.castAs
    this.booted = true
github adonisjs / ace / src / Generator / StringTransformer.ts View on Github external
public changeCase (pattern?: 'pascalcase' | 'camelcase' | 'snakecase'): this {
    switch (pattern) {
      case 'camelcase':
        this.input = camelCase(this.input)
        return this
      case 'pascalcase':
        this.input = pascalCase(this.input)
        return this
      case 'snakecase':
        this.input = snakeCase(this.input)
        return this
        return this
github adonisjs / adonis-lucid / src / Orm / Relations / ManyToMany / index.ts View on Github external
public boot () {
    if (this.booted) {

    this.pivotTable = this._options.pivotTable || snakeCase(

     * Parent model and it's foreign key in pivot table
    this.localKey = this._options.localKey || this.model.$primaryKey
    this.pivotForeignKey = this._options.pivotForeignKey || snakeCase(
    this.pivotForeignKeyAlias = `pivot_${this.pivotForeignKey}`

     * Related model and it's foreign key in pivot table
    this.relatedKey = this._options.relatedKey || this.relatedModel().$primaryKey
    this.pivotRelatedForeignKey = this._options.pivotRelatedForeignKey || snakeCase(
    this.pivotRelatedForeignKeyAlias = `pivot_${this.pivotRelatedForeignKey}`

     * Validate computed keys to ensure they are valid
github adonisjs / adonis-lucid / src / Orm / BaseModel / index.ts View on Github external
public static $addColumn (name: string, options: Partial) {
    const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.prototype, name)

    const column: ColumnNode = {
      primary: options.primary || false,
      castAs: options.castAs || snakeCase(name),
      hasGetter: !!(descriptor && descriptor.get),
      hasSetter: !!(descriptor && descriptor.set),
      serializeAs: options.serializeAs || snakeCase(name),
      serialize: options.serialize === false ? false : true,

     * Set column as the primary column, when `primary` is to true
    if (column.primary) {
      this.$primaryKey = name

    this.$columns.set(name, column)
    this._mappings.cast.set(column.castAs!, name)
    this.$refs[name] = column.castAs
github adonisjs / adonis-lucid / src / Orm / BaseModel / index.ts View on Github external

    this.$booted = true
    this.$primaryKey = this.$primaryKey || 'id'

    Object.defineProperty(this, '$refs', { value: {} })
    Object.defineProperty(this, '$columns', { value: new Map() })
    Object.defineProperty(this, '$computed', { value: new Map() })
    Object.defineProperty(this, '$relations', { value: new Map() })

    Object.defineProperty(this, '_hooks', { value: new Hooks(this.$container) })
    Object.defineProperty(this, '_mappings', { value: { cast: new Map() }})

    this.$increments = this.$increments === undefined ? true : this.$increments
    this.$table = this.$table === undefined ? pluralize(snakeCase( : this.$table
github adonisjs / adonis-lucid / src / Orm / Relations / ManyToMany / index.ts View on Github external
public boot () {
    if (this.booted) {

    this.pivotTable = this._options.pivotTable || snakeCase(

     * Parent model and it's foreign key in pivot table
    this.localKey = this._options.localKey || this.model.$primaryKey
    this.pivotForeignKey = this._options.pivotForeignKey || snakeCase(
    this.pivotForeignKeyAlias = `pivot_${this.pivotForeignKey}`

     * Related model and it's foreign key in pivot table
    this.relatedKey = this._options.relatedKey || this.relatedModel().$primaryKey
github adonisjs / adonis-lucid / src / Orm / Relations / HasManyThrough / index.ts View on Github external
   * Foreign key on the `relatedModel`. This bounds the `throughModel` with
   * the `relatedModel`.
  public throughForeignKey: string

   * Adapter key for the defined `throughForeignKey`
  public throughForeignAdapterKey: string

   * Key to be used for serializing the relationship
  public serializeAs = this._options.serializeAs || snakeCase(this.relationName)

   * A flag to know if model keys valid for executing database queries or not
  public booted: boolean = false

  constructor (
    public relationName: string,
    private _options: ThroughRelationNode,
    public model: ModelConstructorContract,
  ) {

   * Ensure that related model is defined, otherwise raise an exception, since
github adonisjs / adonis-lucid / commands / MakeMigration.ts View on Github external
toTableName (filename: string) {
          return tableName || snakeCase(filename.replace(prefix, ''))
github ember-cli / eslint-plugin-ember / lib / rules / routes-segments-snake-case.js View on Github external
const isNotSnakeCase = function(name) {
      return snakeCase(name) !== name;
github adonisjs / adonis-lucid / src / Orm / Relations / ManyToMany / index.ts View on Github external
public pivotRelatedForeignKeyAlias: string

   * Pivot table for joining relationships
  public pivotTable: string

   * Extra pivot columns to extra
  public extrasPivotColumns: string[] = this._options.pivotColumns || []

   * Key to be used for serializing the relationship
  public serializeAs = this._options.serializeAs || snakeCase(this.relationName)

   * A flag to know if model keys are valid for executing database queries or not
  public booted: boolean = false

  constructor (
    public relationName: string,
    private _options: ManyToManyRelationNode,
    public model: ModelConstructorContract,
  ) {

   * Ensure that related model is defined, otherwise raise an exception, since


Transform into a lower case string with underscores between words

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