How to use the simple-plist.parse function in simple-plist

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few simple-plist examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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adjustEntitlements (file, entMobProv, next) {
    const teamId = entMobProv[''];
    const appId = entMobProv['application-identifier'];
    /* TODO: check if this supports binary plist too */
    let ent = machoEntitlements.parseFile(file);
    if (ent === null) {
      console.error('Cannot find entitlements in binary. Using defaults');
      ent = defaultEntitlements(appId, teamId);
      // return next();
    let entMacho = plist.parse(ent.toString().trim());
    if (this.config.selfSignedProvision) { /* */
      this.emit('message', 'Using an unsigned provisioning');
      const newEntitlementsFile = file + '.entitlements';
      const newEntitlements = plistBuild(entMacho).toString();
      fs.writeFileSync(newEntitlementsFile, newEntitlements);
      this.config.entitlement = newEntitlementsFile;
      return next();
    let changed = false;
    if (this.config.cloneEntitlements) {
      this.emit('message', 'Cloning entitlements');
      entMacho = entMobProv;
      changed = true;
    } else {
      const k = '';
      if (entMacho[k]) {
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return tools.getMobileProvisionPlist(this.config.mobileprovision, (err, data) => {
          if (err) {
            return next(err);
          const mainBin = path.join(this.config.appdir, getExecutable(this.config.appdir));
          let ent = machoEntitlements.parseFile(mainBin);
          if (ent === null) {
            console.error('Cannot find entitlements in binary. Using defaults');
            const entMobProv = data['Entitlements'];
            const teamId = entMobProv[''];
            const appId = entMobProv['application-identifier'];
            ent = defaultEntitlements(appId, teamId);
          data['Entitlements'] = plist.parse(ent.toString().trim());
          fs.writeFileSync(mobileProvision, plistBuild(data).toString());
          /* TODO: self-sign mobile provisioning */
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async function getMobileProvisionPlist (file) {
  var res;
  if (file === undefined) {
    throw new Error('No mobile provisioning file available.');
  if (useOpenSSL === true) {
    /* portable using openssl */
    const args = [ 'cms', '-in', file, '-inform', 'der', '-verify' ];
    res = await execProgram(cmd.openssl, args, null);
  } else {
    /* OSX specific using security */
    const args = [ 'cms', '-D', '-i', file ];
    res = await execProgram(, args, null);
  return plist.parse(res.stdout);
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adjustEntitlementsSync (file, entMobProv) {
    fchk(arguments, ['string', 'object']);
    const teamId = entMobProv[''];
    const appId = entMobProv['application-identifier'];
    let ent = bin.entitlements(file);
    if (ent === null) {
      console.error('Cannot find entitlements in binary. Using defaults');
      ent = defaultEntitlements(appId, teamId);
    let entMacho = plist.parse(ent.toString().trim());
    if (this.config.selfSignedProvision) {
      this.emit('message', 'Using an unsigned provisioning');
      const newEntitlementsFile = file + '.entitlements';
      const newEntitlements = plistBuild(entMacho).toString();
      fs.writeFileSync(newEntitlementsFile, newEntitlements);
      this.config.entitlement = newEntitlementsFile;
    let changed = false;
    if (this.config.cloneEntitlements) {
      this.emit('message', 'Cloning entitlements');
      entMacho = entMobProv;
      changed = true;
    } else {
      const k = '';
      if (entMacho[k]) {
github NativeScript / nativescript-cloud / lib / services / cloud-build-service.ts View on Github external
private getMobileProvisionData(provisionPath: string): IMobileProvisionData {
		const provisionText = this.$fs.readText(path.resolve(provisionPath));
		const provisionPlistText = provisionText.substring(provisionText.indexOf(constants.CRYPTO.PLIST_HEADER), provisionText.indexOf(constants.CRYPTO.PLIST_FOOTER) + constants.CRYPTO.PLIST_FOOTER.length);
		return plist.parse(provisionPlistText);
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} else {
            provisionPath = provisionName;
        let absolutePath = path.resolve(path.join(tempDir, provisionPath));
        const exists = await fse.pathExists(absolutePath);
        if (!exists) {
            throw new ExtractError('provisioning file in filelist, but not on disk');
        const data = await fse.readFile(absolutePath, "utf8");
        provision.absolutePath = absolutePath;
        await this.persistFile(provision, 'absolutePath');
        provision.mobileProvisionFileContent = data;
        const start = data.indexOf(Constants.PROVISION_START);
        const end = data.indexOf(Constants.PROVISION_END) + Constants.PROVISION_END.length;
        const goodData = data.substring(start, end);
        const provisionData = plist.parse(goodData);
        return provisionData;
    private mapProvision(provision: ProvisioningProfile, provisionData: any) {
github NativeScript / nativescript-cloud / lib / cloud-build-helper.ts View on Github external
public getMobileProvisionData(provisionPath: string): IMobileProvisionData {
		const provisionText = this.$fs.readText(path.resolve(provisionPath));
		const provisionPlistText = provisionText.substring(provisionText.indexOf(constants.CRYPTO.PLIST_HEADER), provisionText.indexOf(constants.CRYPTO.PLIST_FOOTER) + constants.CRYPTO.PLIST_FOOTER.length);
		return plist.parse(provisionPlistText);
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function defaultEntitlements (appid, devid) {
  const ent = plist.parse(entitlementTemplate.trim());
  ent['application-identifier'] = appid;
  ent[''] = devid;
  ent['keychain-access-groups'] = [ appid ];
  ent[''] = appid;
  delete ent['aps-environment'];
  ent[''] = 'iCloud.' + devid;
  return plistBuild(ent).toString();


A wrapper utility for interacting with plist data.

Latest version published 3 years ago

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