How to use the selenium-webdriver.until function in selenium-webdriver

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few selenium-webdriver examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github semantic-machines / veda / qa / testPerson.js View on Github external
basic.execute(driver, 'sendKeys', 'h4[about="v-fs:EnterQuery"]+div[class="form-group"] input', "Cannot find input field", timeStamp);
	// Нажимаем поиск и удостоверяемся что в результатах поиска появился созданный выше документ
	  function () {
		  basic.execute(driver, 'click', 'h4[about="v-fs:EnterQuery"]+div[class="form-group"] button[id="submit"]', "Cannot click on submit button");
		  driver.sleep(basic.FAST_OPERATION); // Иначе слишком часто щелкает поиск
		  return driver.findElement({css:'span[href="#params-ft"]+span[class="badge"]'}).getText().then(function (txt) {
			  return txt == '1';
	).thenCatch(function (e) {basic.errorHandler(e, "Cannot find person, after save operation");});
	  webdriver.until.elementTextContains(driver.findElement({css:'div[id="search-results"] span[property="v-s:middleName"]'}),timeStamp),
	).thenCatch(function (e) {basic.errorHandler(e, "Found person differs from saved person");});

github ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-companion / test / integration-firefox / utils.js View on Github external
'use strict'
/* eslint-env mocha */

// The geckodriver package downloads and installs geckodriver for us.
// We use it by requiring it.

let firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox')
let webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
let FxRunnerUtils = require('fx-runner/lib/utils')
let Fs = require('fs-promise')
let By = webdriver.By
let Context = firefox.Context
let until = webdriver.until
let path = require('path')

// Note: Geckodriver already has quite a good set of default preferences
// for disabling various items.
  // Ensure e10s is turned on.
  'browser.tabs.remote.autostart': true,
  'browser.tabs.remote.autostart.1': true,
  'browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2': true,
  // These are good to have set up if you're debugging tests with the browser
  // toolbox.
  '': true,
  'devtools.debugger.remote-enabled': true
github semantic-machines / veda / qa / basic.js View on Github external
openCreateDocumentForm: function (driver, templateName, templateRdfType, phase) {
        // Клик `Документ` в главном меню
            .thenCatch(function (e) {errrorHandlerFunction(e, "****** PHASE#" + phase + " : ERROR = Cannot click on settings button")});

        // Проверяем что открылось подменю
            webdriver.until.elementIsVisible(driver.findElement({css:'li[id="menu"] li[resource="v-l:Create"]'})),
        ).thenCatch(function (e) {errrorHandlerFunction(e, "****** PHASE#" + phase + " : ERROR = Seems there is no `create` button inside menu")});

        // Клик `Создать`
        driver.findElement({css:'li[id="menu"] li[resource="v-l:Create"]'}).click()
            .thenCatch(function (e) {errrorHandlerFunction(e, "****** PHASE#" + phase + " : ERROR = Cannot click on `create` button")});

        // Проверяем что открылась страница создания документов
        ).thenCatch(function (e) {errrorHandlerFunction(e, "****** PHASE#" + phase + " : ERROR = Create template was not opened")});

        // Вводим запрашиваемый тип документа
github dowjones / fiveby / lib / fiveby.js View on Github external
/* global promise, run */
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
var Hook = require('mocha').Hook;
var stackTrace = require('stack-trace');
var LogManager = require('./logManager');
var Helper = require('./helper');

//simplify webdriver usage = webdriver.By;
global.key = webdriver.Key;
global.promise = webdriver.promise; = webdriver.error;
global.until = webdriver.until;

module.exports = fiveby;

function fiveby(config) {
  this.config = config;
  this.logManager = new LogManager();
  this.file = stackTrace.get()[2].getFileName();

//spin up local selenium server if none provided
fiveby.prototype.localServer = function () {
  if (global.serverPromise) {
    return global.serverPromise;
  } else if (!global.fivebyConfig.hubUrl && !this.config.hubUrl) {
    var helper = new Helper();
    global.serverPromise = helper.isJava()
github apigee / openbank / test / features / step_definitions / auth+consent.js View on Github external
this.Given(/^Login Succeeds$/, function () {
        var condition = seleniumWebdriver.until.elementLocated({name: 'allow'});
        return this.driver.wait(condition, 10000);
github merland / seedpicker / calculator / unittests.js View on Github external
describe("Selenium tests for the html-page", function () {
    const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),
        chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome'),
        By = webdriver.By,
        until = webdriver.until,
        Key = webdriver.Key
    const opts = new chrome.Options()

    const driver = new webdriver.Builder()


    it('should use the actual html-page and verify the last word', async () => {
        const workingDir = process.cwd()
        const fileUrl = "file://" + workingDir + "/calculator/last-word.html"
        await driver.get(fileUrl);
        await driver.findElement('seedphrase_ta'))
github brownplt / / test-util / util.js View on Github external
function evalPyret(driver, toEval) {
  var replOutput = driver.findElement("output"));
  var breakButton = driver.findElement('breakButton'));
  var livePrompt = driver.findElement(webdriver.By.className('prompt-container'));
  var escaped = escape(toEval);
    "cm.setValue(unescape(\"" + escaped + "\"));",
    "($(\".repl-prompt > .CodeMirror\")[0].CodeMirror)"
  return replOutput.findElements(webdriver.By.xpath("*")).then(function(elements) {
    if (elements.length === 0) {
      throw new Error("Failed to run Pyret code, no elements after executing: " + toEval);
    } else {
      return elements[elements.length - 1];
github gustafnk / h-include / test / framework.js View on Github external
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),
    By = webdriver.By,
    until = webdriver.until;

var port = process.env.PORT;
var driver;
var errors;

function start(caps) {
  if (driver) throw Error('Previous session not stopped.');

    var driverFu;
    if (process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME) {
      var tunnelId, buildId;
      if (process.env.TRAVIS === 'true') {
        tunnelId = process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER;
        buildId = process.env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER;
      else if (process.env.SAUCE_TUNNEL_ID) {
github yodle / new-relic-synthetics-manager / index.js View on Github external
$browser.waitForElement = function (locatorOrElement, timeoutMsOpt) {
    return $browser.wait($driver.until.elementLocated(locatorOrElement), timeoutMsOpt || 5000, 'Timed-out waiting for element to be located using: ' + locatorOrElement);