Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
setBlocks (blocksRef) {
if (!blocksRef) return;
this.blocks = blocksRef;
const workspaceConfig = defaultsDeep({},
// @todo This is a hack to make there be no toolbox.
const oldDefaultToolbox = ScratchBlocks.Blocks.defaultToolbox;
ScratchBlocks.Blocks.defaultToolbox = null;
this.workspace = ScratchBlocks.inject(this.blocks, workspaceConfig);
ScratchBlocks.Blocks.defaultToolbox = oldDefaultToolbox;
// Create the procedure declaration block for editing the mutation.
this.mutationRoot = this.workspace.newBlock('procedures_declaration');
// Make the declaration immovable, undeletable and have no context menu
this.mutationRoot.contextMenu = false;
this.workspace.addChangeListener(() => {
// Keep the block centered on the workspace
const metrics = this.workspace.getMetrics();
const {x, y} = this.mutationRoot.getRelativeToSurfaceXY();
const dy = (metrics.viewHeight / 2) - (this.mutationRoot.height / 2) - y;
let dx = (metrics.viewWidth / 2) - (this.mutationRoot.width / 2) - x;