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export const getStream = function (cityName, url, averagingPeriod, source, orgUrl) {
const { metadata } = source;
const match = url.match(/[\w]{2}_([\w.]{2,})_([\d]{4})(?:_gg)?.txt/);
const parameter = match[1].toLowerCase().replace('.', '');
const year = match[2];
const unit = getUnit(parameter);
const dayPosition = averagingPeriod.value === 1 ? 0 : 1;
const fewDaysAgo = +Number(, 'days').format('DDD'));
log.verbose(`Fetching data from ${url}`);
const stations = {};
return StringStream.from(
.map(x => x.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''))
row =>
.shift(1, ([header]) => {
.forEach((x, i) => {
if (+x) {
stations[i] = Object.assign(metadata[x]);