How to use schmackbone - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few schmackbone examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github SiftScience / resourcerer / test / with-resources.jsx View on Github external
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
            var model = new Schmackbone.Model({key, ...( || {})});

            if (options.prefetch) {
              haveCalledPrefetch = true;

              // never-resolving promise to mock long-loading request
              if (prefetchLoading) {
                return false;
              } else if (prefetchError) {
                return rej(model);

              ModelCache.put(key, model, options.component);
            } else {
              if (/searchQuery/.test(key) && searchQueryLoading) {
                haveCalledSearchQuery = true;
github SiftScience / resourcerer / test / with-resources.jsx View on Github external
it('updates previously existing models if they exist', async(done) => {
      var testModel = new Schmackbone.Model({content_abuse: {id: 'another_content_decision'}}),
          testKey = 'decisionInstanceentityId=noah_entityType=content';

      ModelMap[ResourceKeys.USER].providesModels = () => newProvides;
      ModelCache.put(testKey, testModel);

      ({dataChild, dataCarrier} = getRenderedResourceComponents(renderWithResources()));

      await waitsFor(() => dataChild.props.hasLoaded);

      // model cache is called, but never for our existing model
github SiftScience / resourcerer / test / with-resources.jsx View on Github external
it('does not fetch resources that are passed in via props', () => {
    resources = renderWithResources({
      userModel: new Schmackbone.Model(),
      analystsCollection: new Schmackbone.Collection(),
      decisionsCollection: new Schmackbone.Collection()



    // the models passed down are not fetched
    resources = renderWithResources({
      userModel: new Schmackbone.Model(),
      decisionsCollection: new Schmackbone.Collection()

github SiftScience / resourcerer / test / with-resources.jsx View on Github external
it('does not fetch resources that are passed in via props', () => {
    resources = renderWithResources({
      userModel: new Schmackbone.Model(),
      analystsCollection: new Schmackbone.Collection(),
      decisionsCollection: new Schmackbone.Collection()



    // the models passed down are not fetched
    resources = renderWithResources({
      userModel: new Schmackbone.Model(),
      decisionsCollection: new Schmackbone.Collection()

github SiftScience / resourcerer / test / with-resources.jsx View on Github external
it('does not fetch resources that are passed in via props', () => {
    resources = renderWithResources({
      userModel: new Schmackbone.Model(),
      analystsCollection: new Schmackbone.Collection(),
      decisionsCollection: new Schmackbone.Collection()



    // the models passed down are not fetched
    resources = renderWithResources({
      userModel: new Schmackbone.Model(),
      decisionsCollection: new Schmackbone.Collection()

github SiftScience / resourcerer / test / request.js View on Github external
spyOn(Schmackbone.Model.prototype, 'fetch').and.callFake(function(options) {
      if (waitSuccess) {
        // use this to ensure that a model gets removed from the loadingCache
        // before other synchronous actions take place
        window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
          if (reject) {
            options.error(this, {status: 404});
          } else {
            options.success(this, {}, {response: {status: 200}});
      } else if (typeof options.success === 'function') {
        options.success(new Schmackbone.Model(), '', {response: {status: 200}});
github SiftScience / resourcerer / test / with-resources.jsx View on Github external
requestSpy = spyOn(Request, 'default').and.callFake((key, Model, options) => {
      // mock fetch model cache behavior, where we put it in the cache immediately,
      // then request the model, and only if it errors do we remove it from cache
      var model = new Schmackbone.Model({key, ...( || {})});

      ModelCache.put(key, model, options.component);

      return new Promise((res, rej) => {
        if ((options.options || {}).delay) {
          return window.setTimeout(() => {
            delayedResourceComplete = true;
          }, options.options.delay);

        if (cached) {
          // treat model as though it were cached by resolving promise immediately
          return res(model);
github SiftScience / resourcerer / lib / index.js View on Github external
import _ from 'underscore';
import _prefetch from './prefetch';
import ErrorBoundary from './error-boundary';
import {LoadingStates} from './constants';
import ModelCache from './model-cache';
import React from 'react';
import request from './request';
import Schmackbone from 'schmackbone';
import schmackboneMixin from './schmackbone-mixin';


// pending and errored resources are not cached, but instead of passing down an
// undefined prop, we pass down empty models for greater defense in client code
export const EMPTY_MODEL = Object.freeze(new Schmackbone.Model());
export const EMPTY_COLLECTION = Object.freeze(new Schmackbone.Collection());

// ensure that no withResources client can modify empty models' data

 * This HOC is a light wrapper around the DataCarrier component for setting
 * state that should trigger resource updates. Some things won't need this, ie
 * a url update that passes its query params down as props[queryParamsPropName].
 * But it provides a setResourceState method to wrap any necessary state that
 * may cause a resource update in DataCarrier's componentWillReceiveProps.
const resourceState = (Component) =>
  class ResourceStateWrapper extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
github SiftScience / resourcerer / lib / index.js View on Github external
import _ from 'underscore';
import _prefetch from './prefetch';
import ErrorBoundary from './error-boundary';
import {LoadingStates} from './constants';
import ModelCache from './model-cache';
import React from 'react';
import request from './request';
import Schmackbone from 'schmackbone';
import schmackboneMixin from './schmackbone-mixin';


// pending and errored resources are not cached, but instead of passing down an
// undefined prop, we pass down empty models for greater defense in client code
export const EMPTY_MODEL = Object.freeze(new Schmackbone.Model());
export const EMPTY_COLLECTION = Object.freeze(new Schmackbone.Collection());

// ensure that no withResources client can modify empty models' data

 * This HOC is a light wrapper around the DataCarrier component for setting
 * state that should trigger resource updates. Some things won't need this, ie
 * a url update that passes its query params down as props[queryParamsPropName].
 * But it provides a setResourceState method to wrap any necessary state that
 * may cause a resource update in DataCarrier's componentWillReceiveProps.
const resourceState = (Component) =>
  class ResourceStateWrapper extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
github SiftScience / resourcerer / test / request.js View on Github external
it('when calling \'existsInCache\' returns true if the model exists in the model cache', () => {
    ModelCache.put('foo', new Schmackbone.Model(), component);


jQuery-less, Promise-interfaced models based on BackboneJS

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