Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
function scss(inFile, outFile) {
const options = {
file: inFile,
includePaths: ["./website"],
let result = renderSync(options).css.toString("utf8");
// Due to how parcel works, we have to include relative URLs in the sass
// file website/main.scss
// Example:
// background-image: url(./img/deleteButtonOutline.svg);
// When bundle.scss is built in ./build/website/ it then can't resolve these
// relative path names. Like if it's in /docs.
// So just hack it here... All this should be replaced with parcel soon.
result = result.replace(/.\/img\//g, "/static/img/");
result = result.replace(/\(img\//g, "(/static/img/");
result = result.replace(/\("img\//g, `("/static/img/`);
console.log("scss", inFile, outFile);
fs.writeFileSync(outFile, result);
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const sass = require("sass");
// This builds a customized version of materialize that doesn't override the parent
// site's styling. To use, comment out
// @import "components/toast"
// @import "components/navbar";
// in the source file (src/libs/...) and run this script.
var result = sass.renderSync({
file: `src/libs/materialize-css/sass/materialize.scss`,
outputStyle: 'compressed'
fs.writeFile(`src/assets/css/materialize.min.css`, result.css);
syncImport: true,
filename: fileName,
...(rendererOptions.less || {}),
} as Less.Options,
(error, output) => {
if (error || output === undefined) throw error;
transformedCss = output.css.toString();
} else if (fileType === FileTypes.scss || fileType === FileTypes.sass) {
const filePath = getFilePath(fileName);
const { includePaths, ...sassOptions } = rendererOptions.sass || {};
transformedCss = sass
// NOTE: Solves an issue where tilde imports fail.
// Will strip `~` from imports, unless followed by a slash.
data: css.replace(/(@import ['"])~(?!\/)/gm, '$1'),
indentedSyntax: fileType === FileTypes.sass,
includePaths: [filePath, 'node_modules', ...(includePaths || [])],
} else {
transformedCss = css;
const processedCss = processor.process(transformedCss, {
from: fileName,
const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');
const sass = require('sass');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
const cssnano = require('cssnano');
const postcss = require('postcss');
const writeFile = util.promisify(fs.writeFile);
// build css
const filePath = './src/ImageViewer.scss';
const css = sass.renderSync({ file: filePath }).css.toString();
async function compileCss () {
const unminifiedCssPromise = postcss([autoprefixer]).process(css, { from: undefined });
const minifiedCssPromise = postcss([cssnano, autoprefixer]).process(css, { from: undefined });
const [unminifiedCss, minifiedCss] = await Promise.all([unminifiedCssPromise, minifiedCssPromise]);
const distUnminified = writeFile('./dist/iv-viewer.css', unminifiedCss);
const distMinified = writeFile('./dist/iv-viewer.min.css', minifiedCss);
return Promise.all([distUnminified, distMinified]);
function compileSass(sassFile, cssFile, isDebug) {
let result = sass.renderSync({
sourceMap: false,
file: sassFile,
outputStyle: isDebug ? "expanded" : "compressed"
if (result && result.css) {
result = result.css.toString();
if (cssFile) {
console.log("Compiling", cssFile);
fs.writeFileSync(cssFile, result, "utf8");
} else {
console.warn("No result from sass for ", sassFile);
return result;
.then((json) => {
ent.obj.emitter = [JSON.parse(json)];
textureMapRules[0] = textureMapRules[0].concat(textureMapR);
if (text3) {
try {
const ab = sass.renderSync({ data: text3 }).css.toString("utf8");
const imagePromises = [];
let cleansed = ab;
let images = ab.match(/url\("\.\/?(.*?\.png)"\)/g);
images = images ? images : [];
const fixed = [];
const fixedMap = [];
const replacePairs = [];
for (let imagen = 0; imagen < images.length; imagen++) {
const imocc = images[imagen];
const m = /url\("\.\/?(.*?\.png)"\)/g.exec(imocc);
const imgurl = m[1] + "";
if (debug) console.log(`theme css imagesss ${imgurl}`);
if (fixed.indexOf(imgurl) > 0) {
replacePairs.push([imocc, fixed.indexOf(imgurl)]);
} else {
}, map),
const options = Object.assign({
includePaths: ['node_modules'],
importer: require('../sass-resolver/sass-resolver')(),
indentWidth: 4,
omitSourceMapUrl: true,
outputStyle: 'expanded',
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapContents: true,
}, opts, {
data: css.css,
file: result.opts.from,
const sassResult = sass.renderSync(options);
const parsed = await postcss.parse(sassResult.css.toString(), {
from: result.opts.from,
map: && {
prev: JSON.parse(,
result.root = parsed;
const dependencies = await Promise.all( (fileName) => {
if (existsSync(fileName)) {
return fileName;
return null;
export async function compileSass(filePath: string) {
const { css } = renderSync({ file: filePath });
return css;
update() {
if (!window.editor_markup) return
let html = window.editor_markup.getValue()
if (window.editor_style) {
let data = window.editor_style.getValue()
let res = {}
try {
res = sass.renderSync({ data, outputStyle: 'compressed' })
} catch (err) {
res.css = data
html = insertStyle(html, res.css)
if (window.editor_script) {
let js = window.editor_script.getValue()
html = insertScript(html, js)
if (true) {
let content = ''
if (window.require) {
let fs = window.require('fs')
content = fs.readFileSync(`${decodeURIComponent(_query.app_path)}/lib/babel.min.js`, 'utf8')
function parseScssIntoRules(scss) {
return parseCssIntoRules(renderSync({ data: scss }).css.toString("utf8"));