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// private key
var d = der.readString(asn1.Ber.OctetString, true);
var curve = readECDSACurve(der);
assert.string(curve, 'a known elliptic curve');
var Q = der.readString(asn1.Ber.BitString, true);
Q = utils.ecNormalize(Q);
var key = {
type: 'ecdsa',
parts: [
{ name: 'curve', data: Buffer.from(curve) },
{ name: 'Q', data: Q },
{ name: 'd', data: d }
return (new PrivateKey(key));
// Curve sequence
var a = curve.p;
if (a[0] === 0x0)
a = a.slice(1);
der.writeBuffer(a, asn1.Ber.OctetString);
der.writeBuffer(curve.b, asn1.Ber.OctetString);
der.writeBuffer(curve.s, asn1.Ber.BitString);
der.writeBuffer(curve.G, asn1.Ber.OctetString);
der.writeBuffer(curve.n, asn1.Ber.Integer);
var h = curve.h;
if (!h) {
h = Buffer.from([1]);
der.writeBuffer(h, asn1.Ber.Integer);
// ECParameters
function bigintToMpBuf(bigint) {
var buf = Buffer.from(bigint.toByteArray());
buf = mpNormalize(buf);
return (buf);
function read(buf, options) {
if (typeof (buf) !== 'string') {
assert.buffer(buf, 'buf');
buf = buf.toString('ascii');
var trimmed = buf.trim().replace(/[\\\r]/g, '');
var m = trimmed.match(SSHKEY_RE);
if (!m)
m = trimmed.match(SSHKEY_RE2);
assert.ok(m, 'key must match regex');
var type = rfc4253.algToKeyType(m[1]);
var kbuf = Buffer.from(m[2], 'base64');
* This is a bit tricky. If we managed to parse the key and locate the
* key comment with the regex, then do a non-partial read and assert
* that we have consumed all bytes. If we couldn't locate the key
* comment, though, there may be whitespace shenanigans going on that
* have conjoined the comment to the rest of the key. We do a partial
* read in this case to try to make the best out of a sorry situation.
var key;
var ret = {};
if (m[4]) {
try {
key =;
} catch (e) {
InternalEncoder.prototype.write = function(str) {
return Buffer.from(str, this.enc);
Utf16BEEncoder.prototype.write = function(str) {
var buf = Buffer.from(str, 'ucs2');
for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i += 2) {
var tmp = buf[i]; buf[i] = buf[i+1]; buf[i+1] = tmp;
return buf;
function writePkcs1DSAPrivate(der, key) {
var ver = Buffer.from([0]);
der.writeBuffer(ver, asn1.Ber.Integer);
der.writeBuffer(, asn1.Ber.Integer);
der.writeBuffer(, asn1.Ber.Integer);
der.writeBuffer(, asn1.Ber.Integer);
der.writeBuffer(, asn1.Ber.Integer);
der.writeBuffer(, asn1.Ber.Integer);
return (this._priv.deriveSharedSecret(pub));
} else if (this._algo === 'curve25519') {
pub =;
while (pub[0] === 0x00 && pub.length > 32)
pub = pub.slice(1);
var priv = this._priv;
assert.strictEqual(pub.length, 32);
assert.strictEqual(priv.length, 32);
var secret = Uint8Array(pub),
new Uint8Array(priv));
return (Buffer.from(secret));
throw (new Error('Invalid algorithm: ' + this._algo));
var version = readMPInt(der, 'version');
assert.equal(version[0], 1, 'unknown version of ECDSA key');
var d = der.readString(asn1.Ber.OctetString, true);
var Q = der.readString(asn1.Ber.BitString, true);
Q = utils.ecNormalize(Q);
var key = {
type: 'ecdsa',
parts: [
{ name: 'curve', data: Buffer.from(curveName) },
{ name: 'Q', data: Q },
{ name: 'd', data: d }
return (new PrivateKey(key));
* key comment with the regex, then do a non-partial read and assert
* that we have consumed all bytes. If we couldn't locate the key
* comment, though, there may be whitespace shenanigans going on that
* have conjoined the comment to the rest of the key. We do a partial
* read in this case to try to make the best out of a sorry situation.
var key;
var ret = {};
if (m[4]) {
try {
key =;
} catch (e) {
m = trimmed.match(SSHKEY_RE2);
assert.ok(m, 'key must match regex');
kbuf = Buffer.from(m[2], 'base64');
key = rfc4253.readInternal(ret, 'public', kbuf);
} else {
key = rfc4253.readInternal(ret, 'public', kbuf);
assert.strictEqual(type, key.type);
if (m[4] && m[4].length > 0) {
key.comment = m[4];
} else if (ret.consumed) {
* Now the magic: trying to recover the key comment when it's
* gotten conjoined to the key or otherwise shenanigan'd.