Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
beforeEach(function() {
messages = new rx.Subject();
channel = {
send: function() {
// NB: Posting a message to the channel returns an editable message
// object, which we're faking out here.
return { updateMessage: function() { } };
scheduler = new rx.HistoricalScheduler();
players = [];
_defineRootElemStream() {
// Create rootElem stream and automatic className correction
let originalClasses = (this._domContainer.className || '').trim().split(/\s+/);
//console.log('%coriginalClasses: ' + originalClasses, 'color: lightgray');
this._rawRootElem$ = new Rx.Subject();
this._rootElem$ = this._rawRootElem$
.map(function fixRootElemClassName(rootElem) {
let previousClasses = rootElem.className.trim().split(/\s+/);
let missingClasses = originalClasses.filter(function (clss) {
return previousClasses.indexOf(clss) < 0;
//console.log('%cfixRootElemClassName(), missingClasses: ' + missingClasses,
// 'color: lightgray');
rootElem.className = previousClasses.concat(missingClasses).join(' ');
//console.log('%c result: ' + rootElem.className, 'color: lightgray');
//console.log('%cEmit rootElem$ ' + rootElem.tagName + '.' + rootElem.className,
// 'color: #009988');
return rootElem;
export default ({
DOM, // DOM driver source
globalEvents, // globalEvent driver sources
}) => {
const openData$ = new Subject();
const importExpression$ = new Subject();
const viewSetting$ = new Subject();
const actions = intent({
DOM, globalEvents,
viewSetting$: viewSetting$,
const state$ = model(O.empty(), actions);
const plaData$ = state$.map(({state}) =>
toPLA(state.diagram, state.currentKvMode, state.currentLoop.cube)
const jsonData$ = state$.map(({state}) =>
function EventEmitter() {;
// System creates a different object for import * than Typescript es5 emit.
if (Rx.hasOwnProperty('default')) {
this._subject = new Rx.default.Rx.Subject();
this._immediateScheduler = Rx.default.Rx.Scheduler.immediate;
else {
this._subject = new Rx.Subject();
this._immediateScheduler = Rx.Scheduler.immediate;
} = function (generator) {
() => {
holder = {};
subjectProjectionStatus = new Subject();
notifications = [];
projectionRunner = TypeMoq.Mock.ofType(MockProjectionRunner);
holder["nameProjection"] = projectionRunner.object;
request = TypeMoq.Mock.ofType(MockRequest);
response = TypeMoq.Mock.ofType(MockResponse);
response.setup(s => s.status(TypeMoq.It.isAny())).returns(a => response.object);
subject = new ProjectionsManagerController(holder, subjectProjectionStatus);
subjectProjectionStatus.subscribe((t: string) => {
protected executeAction: (parameter: any) => Observable,
canExecute?: Observable,
) {
this.isExecutingSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false);
this.canExecuteSubject = new BehaviorSubject(canExecute == null);
this.resultsSubject = new Subject();
this.thrownErrorsSubject = new Subject();
this.canExecuteSubscription = (canExecute || asObservable(true))
.combineLatest(this.isExecutingSubject, (ce, ie) => ce === true && ie === false)
.catch(e => {
handleError(e, this.thrownErrorsSubject);
return asObservable(false);
return Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) {
var first = new Rx.Subject();
var second = new Rx.Subject();
var firstTurn = true;
var current = first;
if (exports.DEBUG_THEN)
console.log("then: attach");
var secondAttach = null;
var firstAttach = self.attach(first.subscribeOn(Rx.Scheduler.immediate)).subscribeOn(Rx.Scheduler.immediate).subscribe(function (next) {
if (exports.DEBUG_THEN)
console.log("then: first to downstream");
}, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () {
if (exports.DEBUG_THEN)
console.log("then: first complete");
firstTurn = false;
secondAttach = follower.attach(second.subscribeOn(Rx.Scheduler.immediate)).subscribeOn(Rx.Scheduler.immediate).subscribe(function (next) {
if (exports.DEBUG_THEN)
function initComponent(comp, spec) {
comp.__lifecycle = {
componentWillMount: new Rx.Subject(),
componentDidMount: new Rx.Subject(),
componentWillReceiveProps: new Rx.Subject(),
componentWillUpdate: new Rx.Subject(),
componentDidUpdate: new Rx.Subject(),
componentWillUnmount: new Rx.Subject(),
var state;
if (spec.getInitialState) {
state = spec.getInitialState(comp.props);
if (spec.getStateStream) {
var stateStream = spec.getStateStream();
var initializing = true;
comp.__stateSubscription = stateStream.subscribe(function (val) {
if (!state) {
state = val;
var Action = function (fn) {
var begin = new Rx.Subject();
var end = new Rx.Subject();
var action = function (data) {
if (fn) {
action.onNext(fn.apply(null, arguments));
} else {
for (var key in Rx.Subject.prototype) {
action[key] = Rx.Subject.prototype[key];
action._onNext = action.onNext;
/*jshint node : true */
var Rx = require('rx'),
assign = require('../utils/assign'),
uuid = require('../utils/uuid');
* A set of actions that will be exposed into views
* Thoses actions will trigger model update
var TodoActions = {
create: new Rx.Subject(),
updateTitle: new Rx.Subject(),
toggle: new Rx.Subject(),
toggleAll: new Rx.Subject(),
destroy: new Rx.Subject(),
clearCompleted: new Rx.Subject(),
* Register our actions against an updates stream
* each one of our actions will push operation to apply on the model
* into the stream.
TodoActions.register = function (updates) {
.map(function (title) {
return function (todos) {
return todos.concat({
id: uuid(),
title: title,