How to use the rx-lite-aggregates.Subject function in rx-lite-aggregates

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rx-lite-aggregates examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sx1989827 / DOClever / node_modules / inquirer / lib / prompts / editor.js View on Github external
Prompt.prototype._run = function (cb) {
  this.done = cb;

  this.editorResult = new rx.Subject();

  // Open Editor on "line" (Enter Key)
  var events = observe(this.rl);
  this.lineSubscription = events.line.forEach(this.startExternalEditor.bind(this));

  // Trigger Validation when editor closes
  var validation = this.handleSubmitEvents(this.editorResult);

  // Prevents default from being printed on screen (can look weird with multiple lines)
  this.currentText = this.opt.default;
  this.opt.default = null;

  // Init


Lightweight library with aggregate functions for composing asynchronous and event-based operations in JavaScript

Latest version published 9 years ago

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Popular rx-lite-aggregates functions