How to use rpg-dice-roller - 1 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rpg-dice-roller examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Snooful / Snooful / src / commands / chance / customroll.js View on Github external
const rpgDiceRoller = require("rpg-dice-roller");
const DiceRoller = new rpgDiceRoller.DiceRoller();

module.exports = {
	aliases: [
	builder: build => {
		build.positional("dice", {
			describe: "The dice you want to roll, in standard RPG format.",
			type: "string",
	command: "customroll",
	describe: "Rolls dice with a custom notation.",
	handler: args => {


An advanced JS based dice roller that can roll various types of dice and modifiers, along with mathematical equations.

Latest version published 4 years ago

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54 / 100
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