How to use the rocambole-whitespace.limitAfter function in rocambole-whitespace

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rocambole-whitespace examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github millermedeiros / esformatter / lib / hooks / ImportSpecifier.js View on Github external
exports.format = function(node) {
  var braceStart = _tk.findPrev(node.startToken, _tk.isCode);
  var braceEnd = _tk.findNext(node.endToken, _tk.isCode);

  // handle `import foo, { lorem, ipsum } from 'lib';`
  if (braceStart.value === '{' || braceStart.value === ',') {
    _br.limit(braceStart, 0);
    _ws.limitBefore(braceStart, braceStart.value === '{' ? 1 : 0);
    _ws.limitAfter(braceStart, braceStart.value === '{' ? 'ModuleSpecifierOpeningBrace' : 1);

  if (braceEnd.value === '}' || braceEnd.value === ',') {
    _br.limit(braceEnd, 0);
    var next = _tk.findNextNonEmpty(braceEnd);
    _ws.limitAfter(braceEnd, next.value === ';' ? 0 : 1);
    _ws.limitBefore(braceEnd, braceEnd.value === '}' ? 'ModuleSpecifierClosingBrace' : 0);

  _br.limit(node.startToken, 0);
  _br.limit(node.endToken, 0);

  if (node.startToken !== node.endToken) {
    // handle spaces around "as"
    // eg: `import { named1 as myNamed1 } from 'lib'`
    // eg: `import * as myLib from 'lib'`
    _ws.limitAfter(node.startToken, 1);
    _ws.limitBefore(node.endToken, 1);
github millermedeiros / esformatter / lib / hooks / ClassDeclarationAndExpression.js View on Github external
exports.format = function ClassDeclarationAndExpression(node) {
  var classKeyword = node.startToken;
  var opening = tk.findNext(node.startToken, '{');
  var closing = node.endToken;
  // yes, we remove all the line breaks and limit to a single whitespace in
  // between the words since line breaks here would increase complexity
  tk.removeInBetween(classKeyword, opening, tk.isBr);
  ws.limitAfter(classKeyword, 1);
  var extendsKeyword = tk.findInBetween(classKeyword, opening, 'extends');
  if (extendsKeyword) {
    ws.limit(extendsKeyword, 1);

  limit.around(opening, 'ClassOpeningBrace');
  limit.around(closing, 'ClassClosingBrace');
github millermedeiros / esformatter / lib / hooks / ImportSpecifier.js View on Github external
if (braceEnd.value === '}' || braceEnd.value === ',') {
    _br.limit(braceEnd, 0);
    var next = _tk.findNextNonEmpty(braceEnd);
    _ws.limitAfter(braceEnd, next.value === ';' ? 0 : 1);
    _ws.limitBefore(braceEnd, braceEnd.value === '}' ? 'ModuleSpecifierClosingBrace' : 0);

  _br.limit(node.startToken, 0);
  _br.limit(node.endToken, 0);

  if (node.startToken !== node.endToken) {
    // handle spaces around "as"
    // eg: `import { named1 as myNamed1 } from 'lib'`
    // eg: `import * as myLib from 'lib'`
    _ws.limitAfter(node.startToken, 1);
    _ws.limitBefore(node.endToken, 1);
github ionutvmi / sublime-jsfmt / node_modules / esformatter / lib / hooks / ImportDeclaration.js View on Github external
exports.format = function ImportDeclaration(node) {
  _br.limitAfter(node.startToken, 0);
  _ws.limitAfter(node.startToken, 1);

  // node.specifiers is actually handled by the ImportSpecifier hook!

  if (!node.specifiers.length) return;

  var fromKeyword = _tk.findPrev(node.endToken, 'from');
  _br.limit(fromKeyword, 0);
  _ws.limit(fromKeyword, 1);
github millermedeiros / esformatter / lib / hooks / ExportNamedDeclaration.js View on Github external
exports.format = function ExportNamedDeclaration(node) {
  _br.limitAfter(node.startToken, 0);
  _ws.limitAfter(node.startToken, 1);

  // node.specifiers is actually handled by the ExportSpecifier hook!

  if (!node.specifiers.length) return;

  var fromKeyword = _tk.findPrev(node.endToken, 'from');
  if (fromKeyword) {
    // safeguard against `export { foo, bar };` (no "from")
    _br.limit(fromKeyword, 0);
    _ws.limit(fromKeyword, 1);
github millermedeiros / esformatter / lib / hooks / FunctionExpression.js View on Github external
} else if (startToken.value === 'function') {
    if (node.generator) {
      startToken = _tk.findNextNonEmpty(startToken);
      _ws.limitBefore(startToken, 'FunctionGeneratorAsterisk');

    _ws.limit(startToken, 'FunctionReservedWord');

  if (_tk.isWs( &&
    _tk.isSemiColon( {

  if (node.parent.type === 'CallExpression') {
    _ws.limitAfter(node.endToken, 0);

  var bodyFirstNonEmpty = _tk.findNextNonEmpty(node.body.startToken);
  if (bodyFirstNonEmpty.value === '}') {
    // noop
    _limit.after(node.body.startToken, 0);

github ionutvmi / sublime-jsfmt / node_modules / esformatter / lib / hooks / ImportSpecifier.js View on Github external
// handle `export {foo, bar};`
      _br.limitAfter(braceEnd, 0);
    } else if (node.parent.endToken !== braceEnd) {
      // we don't want to limit line break for lines that contains just
      // `export {foo, bar}` because that would remove undesired line breaks
      limit.after(braceEnd, 'ModuleSpecifierClosingBrace');

  if (node.startToken.value !== node.endToken.value) {
    // handle spaces around "as"
    // eg: `import { named1 as myNamed1 } from 'lib'`
    // eg: `import * as myLib from 'lib'`
    _br.limitAfter(node.startToken, 0);
    _br.limitBefore(node.endToken, 0);
    _ws.limitAfter(node.startToken, 1);
    _ws.limitBefore(node.endToken, 1);
github millermedeiros / esformatter / lib / hooks / FunctionDeclaration.js View on Github external
exports.format = function FunctionDeclaration(node) {
  if ( {
    _limit.around(, 'FunctionName');
  // babel-eslint reports async functions as generators.
  // Make sure the generator function is not an async function before removing
  // the whitespace.
  // This will prevent a function such as `async function fun() {}` being
  // converted to `asyncfunction fun() {}`.
  if (node.async) {
    _ws.limitAfter(node.startToken, 1);
  } else if (node.generator) {
    var genToken = _tk.findNextNonEmpty(node.startToken);
    _ws.limitBefore(genToken, 'FunctionGeneratorAsterisk');
  _limit.around(node.body.startToken, 'FunctionDeclarationOpeningBrace');
  _limit.around(node.body.endToken, 'FunctionDeclarationClosingBrace');
github millermedeiros / esformatter / lib / hooks / ReturnStatement.js View on Github external
exports.format = function ReturnStatement(node) {
  // need to make sure we only remove line breaks inside the node itself
  // because of ASI (see #29)
  var nonEmpty = _tk.findInBetween(, node.endToken, _tk.isNotEmpty);
  // XXX: we want to remove line breaks and white spaces inside the node, not
  // using _br.limitAfter to avoid changing the program behavior (ASI)
  if (nonEmpty) _tk.removeEmptyInBetween(node.startToken, nonEmpty);

  _ws.limitAfter(node.startToken, 1);
  if (_tk.isSemiColon(node.endToken)) {
    // XXX: we want semicolon to be on same line and no whitespaces for now.
    _tk.removeEmptyInBetween(_tk.findPrevNonEmpty(node.endToken), node.endToken);

  if (node.argument) {
github millermedeiros / esformatter / lib / hooks / ConditionalExpression.js View on Github external
exports.format = function ConditionalExpression(node) {
  // we need to grab the actual punctuators since parenthesis aren't counted
  // as part of test/consequent/alternate
  var questionMark = _tk.findNext(node.test.endToken, '?');
  var colon = _tk.findNext(node.consequent.endToken, ':');

  _ws.limitBefore(questionMark, _ws.expectedAfter('ConditionalExpressionTest'));
  _ws.limitAfter(questionMark, _ws.expectedBefore('ConditionalExpressionConsequent'));
  _ws.limitBefore(colon, _ws.expectedAfter('ConditionalExpressionConsequent'));
  _ws.limitAfter(colon, _ws.expectedBefore('ConditionalExpressionAlternate'));


helpers for rocambole AST whitespace manipulation

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