How to use the roads.shouldBuildAt function in roads

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few roads examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jerroydmoore / screeps-ai / creeps.js View on Github external

        code = creep.moveTo(target, opts);
        if (code === ERR_NO_PATH) {
            // ignore these. We can't cound blocked, because they re-path after 5 turns.
            return OK; 
        Errors.check(creep, `moveTo ${target}`, code);
        if (code === OK || code === ERR_TIRED) {
            creep.busy = 1;
            if(code === OK && creep.memory.blocked && --creep.memory.blocked >= 0) {
                delete creep.memory.blocked;
            if (! disableRoadCheck) {
            return OK;
        } else if (code === ERR_NO_BODYPART) {
            // unable to move?
        return code;


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