How to use rfdc - 1 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rfdc examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github telaoumatenyanis / GenAlgo.js / src / core / GenAlgo.js View on Github external
// @flow
import rfdc from "rfdc";
import fittest from "../singleSelector/fittest.js";
import tournament3 from "../pairSelector/tournament3.js";
import greater from "../fitnessComparator/greater.js";
import delay from "../utils/delay.js";

const cloneDeep = rfdc();

type Individual = { entity: T, fitness: number };

type Parameters = {
  seed: T[],
  fitnessEvaluator: T => number,
  fitnessComparator: (number, number) => boolean,
  iterationCallback: ({
    iterationNumber: number,
    elapsedTime: number,
    bestIndividual: Individual,
    population: Individual[]
  }) => boolean,
  mutationFunction: T => T,
  crossoverFunction: (T, T) => [T, T],
  selectSingleFunction: (


Really Fast Deep Clone

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