How to use resolve-path - 1 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few resolve-path examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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if ( [ 'HEAD', 'GET' ].indexOf( this.method ) === -1 ) {

	let path = this.captures[0];
	path = path[ 0 ] === '/' ? path.slice( 1 ) : path;

	try {
		path = decodeURIComponent( path )
	} catch ( err ) {
		application.log.error( 'Could not decode path' );
		application.log.debug( err );
		this.throw( 'failed to decode', 400 );

	path = resolvePath( root, path );

	if ( basename( path )[ 0 ] === '.' ) {

	let stats;

	try {
		stats = await stat( path );
		if ( stats.isDirectory() ) {
	} catch ( err ) {
		if ( notfound.indexOf( err.code ) > -1 ) {


Resolve a relative path against a root path with validation

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Popular resolve-path functions