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exports.fbLogin = function (req, res) {
var fbLongToken;
// Format request to Facebook API for long term token.
'' +
'grant_type=fb_exchange_token&' +
'client_id=' + Facebook.appId + '&' +
'client_secret=' + Facebook.appSecret + '&' +
'fb_exchange_token=' + req.body.token)
.then(function(body) {
// Parse the long token returned from Facebook.
fbLongToken = body.split('&')[0].split('=')[1];
return findUserByFbId(req.body.fbId);
.then(function(foundFbUser) {
// Update user info for an existing Facebook connected user.
if (foundFbUser.length > 0) {
return updateFbUser(
User.prototype.fbLogin = function (fbData, callback) {
var fbLongToken;
// Format request to Facebook API for long term token.
'' +
'grant_type=fb_exchange_token&' +
'client_id=' + Facebook.appId + '&' +
'client_secret=' + Facebook.appSecret + '&' +
'fb_exchange_token=' + fbData.token)
.then(function(body) {
// Parse the long token returned from Facebook.
fbLongToken = body.split('&')[0].split('=')[1];
return findUserByFbId(fbData.fbId);
.then(function(foundFbUser) {
// Update user info for an existing Facebook connected user.
if (foundFbUser.length > 0) {
return updateFbUser(
throw new Error(`Required parameter ${param} is missing.`);
// Check if configured parameters are all valid.
Object.keys(options).map((param) => {
if (!required_params.includes(param) && !optional_params.includes(param)){
throw new Error(`${param} is not a valid parameter.`);
let url = `https://${this.apiHostname}/${api_version}/payments/authorizations?`;
if (options.transactionId) url += `transactionId=${options.transactionId}`;
if (options.orderId) url += `orderId=${options.orderId}`;
debug(`Going to inquire authorization...`);
return request.getAsync({
url: url,
headers: this.headers
}).then((response) => {
let body = lossless_json.parse(response.body, this._lossless_converter);
if (body.returnCode && body.returnCode == "0000"){
debug(`Completed inquiring authorization.`);
return body;
} else {
debug(`Failed to inquiring authorization.`);
return Promise.reject(new Error(body));
async finish(bot, event, context){
if (SUPPORTED_MESSENGERS.indexOf(bot.type) === -1){
// We do nothing in case of facebook since in Facebook, Admin can see and reply the messege by Facebook Page.
debug(`${bot.type} messenger is not supported in registration skill. Supported messenger is LINE only. We just skip processing this event.`);
let url = '' + bot.extract_sender_id();
let headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + process.env.LINE_ACCESS_TOKEN
const response = await request.getAsync({
url: url,
headers: headers,
json: true
let user = {
messenger: "line",
user_id: response.body.userId,
display_name: response.body.displayName,
picture_url: response.body.pictureUrl
throw new Error(`Required parameter ${param} is missing.`);
// Check if configured parameters are all valid.
Object.keys(options).map((param) => {
if (!required_params.includes(param) && !optional_params.includes(param)){
throw new Error(`${param} is not a valid parameter.`);
let url = `https://${this.apiHostname}/${api_version}/payments?`;
if (options.transactionId) url += `transactionId=${options.transactionId}`;
if (options.orderId) url += `orderId=${options.orderId}`;
debug(`Going to inquire payment...`);
return request.getAsync({
url: url,
headers: this.headers
}).then((response) => {
let body = lossless_json.parse(response.body, this._lossless_converter);
if (body.returnCode && body.returnCode == "0000"){
debug(`Completed inquiring payment.`);
return body;
} else {
debug(`Failed to inquiring payment.`);
return Promise.reject(new Error(body));
.then((is) => {
if (is) {
return request.getAsync({ uri: file, encoding: null })
.then((response) => fileType(response.body));
return fileType(readChunk.sync(file, 0, 4100));
.then((infos) => R.dissoc('mime', R.assoc('mimetype', infos.mime, infos)))
function makeRequest(options) {
return request.getAsync(options)
.then((response) => {
if (response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 400) {
throw new Error(`Bad status code: ${response.statusCode} ${response.statusMessage} ${JSON.stringify(response.body || '')}`);
return response;
.then((is) => {
if (is) {
return request.getAsync({ uri: file, encoding: null })
.then((response) => fileType(response.body));
return fileType(readChunk.sync(file, 0, 4100));
.then((infos) => R.dissoc('mime', R.assoc('mimetype', infos.mime, infos)))
getUserData(entry) {
return request.getAsync({
uri: `${}`,
qs: {
fields: 'first_name,last_name,profile_pic',
access_token: this.context.pageAccessToken
json: true
}).then((response) => {
return response.body;
const lookupInstagramForMedia = ({ hashtag, userId, count = 33, nextMaxId, token }) => {
const params = getInstagramApiUrlForMedia({ hashtag, userId, count, nextMaxId });
const options = {
url: `${params}&access_token=${token}`,
return request.getAsync(options)
.then(response => handleInstagramApiResponse(response))
.then((data) => {
const tagsContent = {
pagination: {
next_max_id: data.pagination && data.pagination.next_max_tag_id ? data.pagination.next_max_tag_id : undefined,
posts: || [],
return tagsContent;
.catch((error) => {
if ( === 'not_found' || === 'json_parse') {
return Promise.reject(error);
} else if (error && error.message) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.not_found(error.message));