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'@smooth-ui': path.resolve(__dirname, 'packages'),
'@docs': path.resolve(__dirname, 'docs'),
return config
export default {
debug: true,
title: 'Smooth UI',
description: 'Modern UI library for React',
repository: '',
indexHtml: 'docs/index.html',
ordering: 'ascending',
propsParser: false,
mdPlugins: [externalLinks.default],
wrapper: 'docs/config/Wrapper.js',
codeSandbox: false,
menu: [
'Getting Started',
themeConfig: {
repository: '',
colors: {
const Public = path.resolve(__dirname, 'public');
const Src = path.resolve(__dirname, 'src');
export default {
src: './src',
base: '/live-stream-radio/',
title: 'live-stream-radio',
description: '24/7 live stream video radio station CLI / API 📹 📻',
ordering: 'ascending',
propsParser: false,
indexHtml: 'docz/index.html',
htmlContext: {
favicon: '/docz/favicon.ico'
hashRouter: true,
mdPlugins: [externalLinks.default],
plugins: [],
modifyBundlerConfig: config => {
config.resolve.alias = {
'@fonts': `${Public}/fonts`,
'@images': `${Public}/images`,
'@components': `${Src}/theme/components`,
'@styles': `${Src}/theme/styles`
return config;