How to use regexp-clone - 1 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few regexp-clone examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github kubernetes / dashboard / build / i18n.js View on Github external
return => {
        let exec = regexpClone(I18N_REGEX).exec(match);
        // Default to no description when it is not provided.
        let desc = (exec[2] || '(no description provided)').trim();
        // replace {{$variableName}} with {{ $variableName}} to avoid {$ getting recognised as
        // google.getMsg format
        let text = exec[1].replace('{$', '{ $');
        let varName = undefined;
        if (prevMsgs[`MSG_${messageVarPrefix}`]) {
          for (let msg of prevMsgs[`MSG_${messageVarPrefix}`]) {
            if (msg.text === text && msg.desc === desc && !msg.used) {
              varName = msg.key;
              msg.used = true;


Clone RegExps with options

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Popular regexp-clone functions