How to use regex-parser - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few regex-parser examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gajus / surgeon / src / subroutines / testSubroutine.js View on Github external
const testSubroutine = (subject: string, [userRule]: $ReadOnlyArray) => {
  const rule: RegExp = parseRegex(userRule);

  if (typeof subject !== 'string') {
    throw new SurgeonError('Input is not a string.');

  if (!rule.test(subject)) {
    return new InvalidValueSentinel('Input does not match "' + rule.toString() + '" regular expression.');

  return subject;
github gajus / surgeon / src / subroutines / matchSubroutine.js View on Github external
const matchSubroutine = (subject: string, [userRule, sprintfFormat]: $ReadOnlyArray) => {
  const rule: RegExp = parseRegex(userRule);

  if (typeof subject !== 'string') {
    throw new SurgeonError('Input is not a string.');

  const matches = subject.match(rule);

  if (!matches) {
      input: subject,
    }, 'input');

    return new InvalidValueSentinel('Input does not match "' + rule.toString() + '" regular expression.');

  if (matches.length === 1) {


A module that parses a string as regular expression and returns the parsed value.

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Popular regex-parser functions