How to use reduxful - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few reduxful examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hackoregon / civic / packages / 2019-housing / src / components / BlackPopulationChange / index.js View on Github external
const BlackPopulationChange = ({ init, data, Layout }) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  }, []);

  const loading =
    !isLoaded(data.ncdbYearly1990) || !isLoaded(data.ncdbYearly2017);

  return (
github hackoregon / civic / packages / 2019-template / src / components / TemplateAPICard / index.js View on Github external
const TemplateAPICard = ({ init, data, Layout }) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  }, []);

  const loading = !isLoaded(data.ridershipOverTime);

  return (
github hackoregon / civic / packages / 2019-transportation / src / components / SystemWideSummary / systemWideSummaryMeta.js View on Github external
const SystemWideSummaryMeta = data => ({
  title: "System Wide Summary",
  slug: "system-wide-summary",
  introText: (
        ? `This chart is generated from ${data.busSystemWideSummary.value.results
            .reduce((acc, result) =&gt; acc + result.total_ons, 0)
            .toLocaleString()} total onboarding events and ${data.busSystemWideSummary.value.results
            .reduce((acc, result) =&gt; acc + result.total_offs, 0)
            .toLocaleString()} total offboarding events. Morning and evening rush hour peaks are defined as an hour before and after their respective peaks with a.m rush being 6:30 a.m to 9 a.m. and p.m. rush being 2:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. Identifying these peak hours gives us the ability to focus on local and system-wide trends that affect the most people.`
        : null}
  visualization: SystemWideSummaryVisualization, // data, isLoading are passed to this as props
  additionalText: <p>,
  shareText: "",
  tags: ["Transportation", "Bus", "Portland", "Oregon"],
  selector: null,
  analysis: (
github hackoregon / civic / packages / 2019-housing / src / components / HolcRedlining / HolcRedliningVisualization.js View on Github external
const HolcRedliningVisualization = ({ data }) =&gt; {
  if (!isLoaded(data.redliningMap)) return ;

  const polygonFieldName = "holc_grade";
  const redliningMap = data.redliningMap.value.results.features;
  const colorScale = scaleOrdinal()
    .domain(["A", "B", "C", "D"])
      // Color-blind safe diverging color scale from ColorBrewer
      [77, 175, 74],
      [30, 98, 189],
      [255, 178, 31],
      [220, 69, 86]

    A: '"Best"',
    B: '"Still Desirable"',
github hackoregon / civic / packages / 2019-housing / src / state / black-population-change / api.js View on Github external
import requestAdapter from "../request-adapter";

const apiConfig = { requestAdapter };

const HOST = "";

const apiDesc = {
  getNcdbYearlyData: {
    url: `${HOST}/housing2019/v1/api/ncdbsampleyearly/`,
    // you can apply any needed data transformations to value here
    // if complex, separate tranformation function to another file
    dataTransform: data => data

const blackPopulationChangeData = new Reduxful(

export default blackPopulationChangeData;
github hackoregon / civic / packages / 2019-housing / src / state / holc-redlining / api.js View on Github external
import requestAdapter from "../request-adapter";

const apiConfig = { requestAdapter };

const HOST = "";

const apiDesc = {
  getRedliningMapData: {
    url: `${HOST}/holcportlandredlining/`,
    // you can apply any needed data transformations to value here
    // if complex, separate tranformation function to another file
    dataTransform: data => data

const holcRedliningData = new Reduxful("holcRedliningData", apiDesc, apiConfig);

export default holcRedliningData;
github hackoregon / civic / packages / 2019-housing / src / state / home-loan-approvals / api.js View on Github external
import requestAdapter from "../request-adapter";

const apiConfig = { requestAdapter };

const HOST = "";

const apiDesc = {
  getTotalLoansData: {
    url: `${HOST}/housing2019/v1/api/sc2hmdaapprovalbyrace2013t2017/`,
    // you can apply any needed data transformations to value here
    // if complex, separate tranformation function to another file
    dataTransform: data => data

const homeLoanApprovalsData = new Reduxful(

export default homeLoanApprovalsData;
github hackoregon / civic / packages / 2019-transportation / src / state / morning-rush / api.js View on Github external
const apiDesc = {
  getBusAmRushSummaryData: {
    dataTransform: data => data
  getOnOffsData: {
    url: `${HOST}/passenger-census/system/annual/averages/?format=json`,
    // you can apply any needed data transformations to value here
    // if complex, separate tranformation function to another file
    dataTransform: data => data

const morningRushData = new Reduxful("morningRushData", apiDesc, apiConfig);

export default morningRushData;
github hackoregon / civic / packages / 2019-transportation / src / state / before-after-delay-maps / api.js View on Github external
import Reduxful from "reduxful";
import requestAdapter from "../request-adapter";

const apiConfig = { requestAdapter };

const HOST = "";
const LIMIT = 1000; // default is 100, should fetch all for area

const apiDesc = {
  getDisturbanceStops: {
    url: `${HOST}/trimet-stop-events/disturbance-stops/?limit=${LIMIT}`

const beforeAfterDelayMapsApi = new Reduxful(

export default beforeAfterDelayMapsApi;
github hackoregon / civic / packages / 2019-housing / src / state / housing-displacement / api.js View on Github external
y: data[year][race],
              series: race
  getNcdbYearlyData: {
    url: `${HOST}/ncdbsampleyearly/`,
    // you can apply any needed data transformations to value here
    // if complex, separate tranformation function to another file
    dataTransform: data => data

const housingDisplacementData = new Reduxful(

export default housingDisplacementData;


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