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const collectErrors = state => {
const syncErrors = getFormSyncErrors('record-form')(state);
const asyncErrors = getFormAsyncErrors('record-form')(state);
const submitErrors = getFormSubmitErrors('record-form')(state);
return {
export const mapStateToProps = state => ({
chart: 'line',
datasource: selector(state, 'datasource'),
formSyncErrors: getFormSyncErrors(FORM_NAME)(state),
axis: { rotated: selector(state, 'axis.rotated') },
spline: selector(state, 'spline'),
columns: selector(state, 'columns'),
initialValues: {
axis: {
chart: 'line',
rotated: false,
x: { type: 'indexed' },
y2: { show: false },
size: {
width: 300,
height: 500,
padding: {
export const mapStateToProps = state => ({
datasource: selector(state, 'datasource'),
formSyncErrors: getFormSyncErrors(FORM_NAME)(state),
chart: 'gauge',
columns: selector(state, 'columns'),
initialValues: {
chart: 'gauge',
axis: {
rotated: false,
x: { type: 'indexed' },
y2: { show: false },
size: {
width: 300,
height: 500,
padding: {
top: 50,
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
return {
applicationFormErrorMessage: getApplicationFormErrorMessages(state),
syncErrors: getFormSyncErrors("apply")(state),
values: getFormValues("apply")(state)
return connect((state) => {
const fieldValues = getFormValues(form)(state);
const errors = {
const inspection = Object.keys(fieldsToProps).reduce((r, prop) => ({
[prop]: fieldValues ? fieldsToProps[prop](fieldValues, errors) : null,
}), {});
return !inspectorKey ? inspection : { [inspectorKey]: inspection };
}, () => ({}));
export const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
const selector = formValueSelector(FORM_NAME);
return {
chart: 'pie',
datasource: selector(state, 'datasource'),
formSyncErrors: getFormSyncErrors(FORM_NAME)(state),
initialValues: {
chart: 'pie',
axis: {
rotated: false,
x: { type: 'indexed' },
y2: { show: false },
size: {
width: 300,
height: 500,
padding: {
top: 50,
right: 50,
bottom: 50,
function(state, { form }: OwnProps) {
return {
syncErrors: getFormSyncErrors(form)(state),
asyncErrors: getFormAsyncErrors(form)(state),
submitErrors: getFormSubmitErrors(form)(state),
submitting: isSubmitting(form)(state)
const collectErrors = (state, props) => {
const syncErrors = getFormSyncErrors(props.form)(state);
const asyncErrors = getFormAsyncErrors(props.form)(state);
const submitErrors = getFormSubmitErrors(props.form)(state);
return {
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
current_campaign: state.admin_campaigns.current_campaign,
has_user_joined_campaign: state.admin_campaigns.has_user_joined_campaign,
current_script: state.admin_scripts.current_script,
script_questions: state.admin_scripts.script_questions,
current_call: state.calls.current_call,
call_id: state.calls.call_id,
status: state.calls.status,
outcome: state.calls.outcome,
contact_id: state.calls.contact_id,
current_call_contact_name: state.calls.current_call_contact_name,
form_errors: getFormSyncErrors(FORM)(state)
export const mapStateToProps = state => ({
chart: 'bar',
datasource: selector(state, 'datasource'),
formSyncErrors: getFormSyncErrors(FORM_NAME)(state),
axis: { rotated: selector(state, 'axis.rotated') },
columns: selector(state, 'columns'),
initialValues: {
axis: {
chart: 'bar',
rotated: false,
x: { type: 'indexed' },
y2: { show: false },
size: {
width: 300,
height: 500,
padding: {
top: 50,
right: 50,