How to use the redux-dynamic-modules-core.getObjectRefCounter function in redux-dynamic-modules-core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few redux-dynamic-modules-core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / redux-dynamic-modules / packages / redux-dynamic-modules-observable / src / EpicManager.ts View on Github external
export function getEpicManager(
    epicMiddleware: EpicMiddleware
): IEpicManager {
    let runningEpics: { [epicKey: string]: IEpicWrapper } = {};
    // @ts-ignore
    let epicRefCounter = getObjectRefCounter();

    return {
         * Dynamically add epics.
         * We should consider these potential problem:
         * * Epic could add repeatedly
         * * Epic could as a dependency of two or more modules
         * * Module hot load. React-hot-loader will rerender your react root
         * component which means it will invoke all of your logic again. So this is
         * minor worry.
        add(epics: Epic[] = []) {
            epics.forEach(epic => {
                const epicKey = epic.toString();
                // Check if epic already exists


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