Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
function commandResetSecurity (options) {
cout = new ColorOutput(options);
let userIsSure = false;
console.log(cout.warn('[ℹ] You are about to clear all created users, profiles and roles.'));
console.log(cout.warn('[ℹ] This operation cannot be undone.\n'));
if (!params.noint) {
userIsSure = readlineSync.question('[❓] Are you sure? If so, please type "I am sure": ') === 'I am sure';
else {
// non-interactive mode
userIsSure = true;
if (userIsSure) {
console.log(cout.notice('[ℹ] Processing...\n'));
const query = {
controller: 'admin',
action: 'resetSecurity'
return sendAction(query, options)
.then(() => {
console.log(cout.ok('[✔] Kuzzle users, profiles and roles have been successfully reset'));
if (fs.existsSync(infoPath)) {
info = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(infoPath)) || {};
} else {
console.log('Creating ' + infoPath + ' -- please add it to .gitignore if applicable');
if (info.root !== root) {
writeInfo(info, { root: root });
if (info.dir !== dirPath) {
writeInfo(info, { dir: dirPath });
if (!info.clientId || resetAuth) {
var clientId = readlineSync.question(
'Enter your client ID: '
writeInfo(info, { clientId: clientId });
if (!info.secretKey || resetAuth) {
var secretKey = readlineSync.question(
'Enter your client secret key: ', {
hideEchoBack: true
// Encrypt key just in case it gets committed or shared
writeInfo(info, { secretKey: encryptSecret(secretKey) });
resetAuth = false;
function continueLoop() {
var answer = readline.question("\nPress q to break, any other key to continue.\n")
if (answer.toLowerCase() === 'q') {
return false;
return true;
initInteractive: function () {
var key = readline.question('Enter your AWS key:');
var secret = readline.question('Enter your AWS secret:');
var region = readline.question('Enter your AWS region:');
return config.init(key, secret, region);
function load_config() {
try { eater_config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`.eater`).toString()); } catch (e) {
try { eater_config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(HOME,".eater")).toString()); } catch (e) {
console.error(`You must prepare ${path.join(HOME,".eater")} or .eater file.`);`Setup GPUEater config to ${path.join(HOME,".eater")} file.`);
if (global_params.interactive) {
const readlineSync = require('readline-sync');
let email = readlineSync.question('email: ');
let pass = readlineSync.question('password: ', {hideEchoBack: true});
let obj = {gpueater:{email:email,password:pass}};
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(HOME,".eater"),JSON.stringify(obj));`GPUEater config saved to ${path.join(HOME,".eater")}.`);
eater_config = obj;
} else {
throw "Could not load a config file.";
let stored_hash = "A";
let hash = "B";
try {stored_hash = fs.readFileSync(CONFIG_HASH_PATH);} catch (e) {}
hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', 'dummy').update(JSON.stringify(eater_config)).digest('hex');
if (stored_hash == hash) {
try { global_header['Cookie'] = fs.readFileSync(COOKIE_PATH);} catch (e) { }
var getUserPrompt = function(question){
var answer = readlineSync.question(question + '\n' );
console.log("Your answer is: \n");
return answer;
async function removeRestrictionsInBatch() {
let csvFilePath = readlineSync.question(`Enter the path for csv data file (${REMOVE_RESTRICTIONS_DATA_CSV}): `, {
let batchSize = readlineSync.question(`Enter the max number of records per transaction or batch size (${gbl.constants.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE}): `, {
limit: function (input) {
return parseInt(input) > 0;
limitMessage: 'Must be greater than 0',
defaultInput: gbl.constants.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE
let parsedData = csvParse(csvFilePath);
let validData = parsedData.filter(row => web3.utils.isAddress(row[0]));
let invalidRows = parsedData.filter(row => !validData.includes(row));
if (invalidRows.length > 0) {
console.log(`The following lines from csv file are not valid: ${ => parsedData.indexOf(r) + 1).join(',')} `));
let batches = common.splitIntoBatches(validData, batchSize);
let [holderArray] = common.transposeBatches(batches);
for (let batch = 0; batch < batches.length; batch++) {
console.log(`Batch ${batch + 1} - Attempting to remove restrictions to the following accounts: \n\n`, holderArray[batch], '\n');
limitMessage: "Must be a valid address"
let to = readlineSync.question('Enter the address to which transfers will be approved: ', {
limit: function (input) {
return web3.utils.isAddress(input);
limitMessage: "Must be a valid address"
if (!await getManualApproval(from, to)) {
let description = readlineSync.question('Enter the description for the manual approval: ', {
limit: function (input) {
return input != "" && getBinarySize(input) < 33
limitMessage: "Description is required"
let allowance = readlineSync.question('Enter the amount of tokens which will be approved: ');
let oneHourFromNow = Math.floor( / 1000 + 3600);
let expiryTime = readlineSync.questionInt(`Enter the time (Unix Epoch time) until which the transfer is allowed (1 hour from now = ${oneHourFromNow}): `, { defaultInput: oneHourFromNow });
let addManualApprovalAction = currentTransferManager.methods.addManualApproval(from, to, web3.utils.toWei(allowance), expiryTime, web3.utils.fromAscii(description));
let addManualApprovalReceipt = await common.sendTransaction(addManualApprovalAction);
let addManualApprovalEvent = common.getEventFromLogs(currentTransferManager._jsonInterface, addManualApprovalReceipt.logs, 'AddManualApproval');
console.log(`Manual approval has been added successfully!`));
} else {
console.log(`A manual approval already exists from ${from} to ${to}. Revoke it first if you want to add a new one or modify the existing one.`));
module.exports = (args, callback) => {
const types = Object.keys(options.types);
const _id = rl.question("Source ID (e.g. frick): ");
const name = rl.question("Full Name (e.g. Frick Library): ");
const shortName = rl.question("Short Name (e.g. Frick): ");
const url = rl.question("URL (http://...): ");
const isPrivate = rl.keyInYN("Private?: ");
const type = rl.question(`Data Type (${types.join(", ")}): `);
const converter = rl.question("Data Convertor [default]: ", {
defaultInput: "default",
const Source = models("Source");
const source = new Source({
private: isPrivate,
async function modifyRestrictionsInBatch() {
let csvFilePath = readlineSync.question(`Enter the path for csv data file (${MODIFY_RESTRICTIONS_DATA_CSV}): `, {
let batchSize = readlineSync.question(`Enter the max number of records per transaction or batch size (${gbl.constants.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE}): `, {
limit: function (input) {
return parseInt(input) > 0;
limitMessage: 'Must be greater than 0',
defaultInput: gbl.constants.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE
let parsedData = csvParse(csvFilePath);
let validData = parsedData.filter(
row => web3.utils.isAddress(row[0]) &&
!isNaN(row[1]) &&
moment.unix(row[2]).isValid() &&
(!isNaN(row[3]) && (parseFloat(row[3]) % 1 === 0)) &&
moment.unix(row[4]).isValid() &&
typeof row[5] === 'string' && RESTRICTION_TYPES.includes(row[5]));
let invalidRows = parsedData.filter(row => !validData.includes(row));
if (invalidRows.length > 0) {