How to use the reactcss.handleHover function in reactcss

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few reactcss examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github lightninglabs / lightning-app / packages / lightning-core / accounts / ChannelListItem.js View on Github external
state => ({
    serverRunning: store.getServerRunning(state),
    isSynced: store.getSyncedToChain(state),
    pubkey: store.getAccountPubkey(state),
    currency: store.getCurrency(state),
    balances: store.getAccountBalances(state),
  }), {
    onShowPopup: popupActions.onOpen,
    onClosePopup: popupActions.onClose,
    onCloseChannel: actions.startCloseChannel,
    onSuccess: notificationActions.addNotification,
    onFetchChannels: accountsActions.fetchChannels,
    onfetchAccount: accountsActions.fetchAccount,
    onfetchBalances: accountsActions.fetchBalances,
github casesandberg / react-color / src / components / circle / CircleSwatch.js View on Github external
style={ styles.Swatch }
        color={ color }
        onClick={ onClick }
        onHover={ onSwatchHover }
        focusStyle={{ boxShadow: `${ styles.Swatch.boxShadow }, 0 0 5px ${ color }` }}

CircleSwatch.defaultProps = {
  circleSize: 28,
  circleSpacing: 14,

export default handleHover(CircleSwatch)
github casesandberg / react-color / src / components / github / GithubSwatch.js View on Github external
  }, { hover })

  return (
    <div style="{">

export default handleHover(GithubSwatch)


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