How to use the react95.themes.default function in react95

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react95 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github benwiley4000 / win95-media-player / src / components / ProgressBar.js View on Github external
const { themes } = require('react95');
const ResizeObserver = require('resize-observer-polyfill').default;

const ProgressRuler = require('./ProgressRuler');

const progressMargin = 10;

// based on Cutout styles from react95
const progressContainerStyle = {
  background: 'white',
  height: 13,
  margin: progressMargin,
  marginBottom: 0,
  borderStyle: 'solid',
  borderWidth: 2,
  borderTopColor: themes.default.borderDark,
  borderLeftColor: themes.default.borderDark,
  borderBottomColor: themes.default.borderLightest,
  borderRightColor: themes.default.borderLightest,
  boxSizing: 'border-box'

const handle = (
  <div style="{{">
github benwiley4000 / win95-media-player / src / components / ProgressBar.js View on Github external
const ProgressRuler = require('./ProgressRuler');

const progressMargin = 10;

// based on Cutout styles from react95
const progressContainerStyle = {
  background: 'white',
  height: 13,
  margin: progressMargin,
  marginBottom: 0,
  borderStyle: 'solid',
  borderWidth: 2,
  borderTopColor: themes.default.borderDark,
  borderLeftColor: themes.default.borderDark,
  borderBottomColor: themes.default.borderLightest,
  borderRightColor: themes.default.borderLightest,
  boxSizing: 'border-box'

const handle = (
  <div style="{{">
github benwiley4000 / win95-media-player / src / components / VerticalDivider.js View on Github external
const React = require('react');
const { themes } = require('react95');

const style = {
  width: 0,
  borderRight: `2px solid ${themes.default.borderLightest}`,
  borderLeft: `2px solid ${themes.default.borderDark}`,
  margin: 0,
  alignSelf: 'stretch',
  marginTop: -4,
  marginBottom: -4

const VerticalDivider = () =&gt; {
  return <div style="{style}">;

module.exports = VerticalDivider;
github fox-finder / FoxFinder / src / bases / materials / window / Win95.tsx View on Github external
export const Win95: React.FC = (props) =&gt; {
  return (
            <button size="{'sm'}" style="{{">
              <span style="{{">x</span>
github benwiley4000 / win95-media-player / src / components / SimpleDivider.js View on Github external
const React = require('react');
const { themes } = require('react95');

const style = {
  height: 0,
  borderBottom: `1px solid ${themes.default.borderLightest}`,
  margin: 0

const SimpleDivider = () =&gt; {
  return <hr style="{style}">;

module.exports = SimpleDivider;
github benwiley4000 / win95-media-player / src / components / VerticalDivider.js View on Github external
const React = require('react');
const { themes } = require('react95');

const style = {
  width: 0,
  borderRight: `2px solid ${themes.default.borderLightest}`,
  borderLeft: `2px solid ${themes.default.borderDark}`,
  margin: 0,
  alignSelf: 'stretch',
  marginTop: -4,
  marginBottom: -4

const VerticalDivider = () =&gt; {
  return <div style="{style}">;

module.exports = VerticalDivider;
github benwiley4000 / win95-media-player / src / components / MediaPlayerView.js View on Github external
    } = this.props;
    const { width } = this.state;
    return (


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