How to use the react-widgets/lib/util/PropTypes.message function in react-widgets

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github jquense / react-widgets / packages / virtualized / src / VirtualList.js View on Github external
activeId: PropTypes.string,
    optionComponent: CustomPropTypes.elementType,
    renderItem: PropTypes.func,
    renderGroup: PropTypes.func,

    focusedItem: PropTypes.any,
    selectedItem: PropTypes.any,

    isDisabled: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    valueAccessor: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    textAccessor: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

    disabled: CustomPropTypes.disabled.acceptsArray,

    messages: PropTypes.shape({
      emptyList: CustomPropTypes.message,

  static defaultProps = {
    optionComponent: ListOption,
    type: 'variable',
    hasNextPage: false,

  static getVirtualListProps({
    pageSize = 20,
    threshold = 300,