Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
function getHtmlPlugin(bundle, isProd) {
const opts = Object.assign({
inject: true,
template: paths.appHtml,
// note: 2.x adds optimization with 'vendors' and 'runtime~bundle' in chunks
chunks: ['vendors', 'runtime~' + bundle, bundle],
filename: bundle + '.html',
}, isProd ? { minify: Object.assign(defaultMinify, params.minify) } : {});
return new HtmlWebpackPlugin(opts);
// Make sure to add the new loader(s) before the "file" loader.
plugins: [
// Makes some environment variables available in index.html.
// The public URL is available as %PUBLIC_URL% in index.html, e.g.:
// In production, it will be an empty string unless you specify "homepage"
// in `package.json`, in which case it will be the pathname of that URL.
new InterpolateHtmlPlugin(env.raw),
// Generates an `index.html` file with the
const hasSlash = inputPath.endsWith('/')
if(hasSlash && !needsSlash) return inputPath.substr(0, inputPath.length - 1)
else if(!hasSlash && needsSlash) return `${inputPath}/`
else return inputPath
function getServedPath(publicUrl) {
const servedUrl = publicUrl ? url.parse(publicUrl).pathname : '/'
return ensureSlash(servedUrl, true)
paths.dotenv = existsSync(appDotEnv) ? appDotEnv : paths.dotenv
paths.appPath = appRootPath + '/'
paths.appPublic = appPublic
paths.appHtml = appPublic + '/index.html'
paths.appBuild = appBuild
paths.appPackageJson = appPackage
paths.yarnLockFile = appRootPath + '/yarn.lock'
paths.appSrc = appSrc
paths.appIndexJs = appSrc + '/index.js'
paths.proxySetup = appSrc + '/setupProxy.js'
paths.testsSetup = appSrc + '/setupTests'
paths.appNodeModules = appNodeModules
paths.servedPath = homepage ? getServedPath(homepage) : '/'
paths.publicUrl = homepage || ''
module.exports = paths
filter: file => file !== paths.appHtml
removeComments: true,
collapseWhitespace: true,
removeRedundantAttributes: true,
useShortDoctype: true,
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,
keepClosingSlash: true,
minifyJS: {
comments: '@cc_on',
minifyCSS: true,
minifyURLs: true,
const config = Object.assign(
{ inject: true, template: paths.appHtml },
'development' !== env ? { minify } : undefined,
return entry => {
return new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
chunks: ['vendors', `runtime~${entry}.html`, entry],
filename: `${entry}.html`,
const createHtmlWebpackPlugin = (entryName, env) => {
const config = {
inject: true,
template: paths.appHtml,
chunks: ['vendors', `runtime~${entryName}`, entryName],
filename: `${entryName}.html`,
if ('development' === env) {
return new HtmlWebpackPlugin(config);
} else {
return new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
minify: {
removeComments: true,
collapseWhitespace: true,
removeRedundantAttributes: true,
useShortDoctype: true,
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,
keepClosingSlash: true,
filter: file => file !== paths.appHtml