How to use the react-player.canPlay function in react-player

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-player examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github broskoski / / src / lib / helpers.js View on Github external
if (url === null) {
    return mm(false, message.missing, item)
  if (url === false) {
    return mm(false, message.class, item)
  // sanitize our URL with regex
  const sanitizedURL = sanitizeURL(url)
  // copy the item and update it's URL with the sanitized one
  const sanitizedItem = Object.assign(
    { ...item },
    { macarenaURL: sanitizedURL }
  // check if reactplayer can play
  if (ReactPlayer.canPlay(sanitizedURL)) {
    return mm(true, message.valid, sanitizedItem)
  // if nothing has gone well for this URL we just tell it not to play
  return mm(false, message.noPlay, item)
github odyssy-automaton / pocket-moloch / src / components / proposal / ProposalDetail.js View on Github external
      {proposal.status === 'ReadyForProcessing' &amp;&amp; currentUser &amp;&amp; (
        <button> processProposal(}&gt;Process</button>
        {s3Data.description ? (
        ) : null}
        { &amp;&amp; ReactPlayer.canPlay( ? (
        ) : &amp;&amp;'http') &gt; -1 ? (
            <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="{}">
        ) : null}
github destruc7i0n / nani / src / components / Player / Player.js View on Github external
componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState) {
    const { id: oldId, fullscreen, volume, speed, quality } = this.state
    const { id, streams, streamsLoaded, autoPlay } = this.props
    if (id !== oldId && streamsLoaded) {
      let stream = ''
      if (streams.length) stream = streams[0].url
      this.setState({ ...defaultState, id, fullscreen, stream, canPlay: ReactPlayer.canPlay(stream), paused: !autoPlay, })
      this.loggedTime = || 0
    if (volume !== prevState.volume || speed !== prevState.speed || quality !== prevState.quality) {
github mvaleriani / Dialoq / frontend / components / chatColumn / roomContent / roomBody / messageIndex / MessageIndex.jsx View on Github external
this.props.messages.forEach(message =&gt; {
        let userId = message.user_id
        if (message !== undefined &amp;&amp; this.props.serverMembers[userId]!== undefined){
          let messageBody = (<p>{message.body}</p>)
          if (message.body.includes('https')) {
            let player = '';
              player = ();

            messageBody = (
              <div style="{{width:">
                  <a href="{message.body}" style="{{color:">{message.body}</a>

github broskoski / / src / lib / validatorConfig.js View on Github external
function reactPlayerValidator(block) {
  const url = getURL(block)
  let result
  if (reactPlayer.canPlay(url)) {
    result = mark(true, 'REACT_PLAYER_CANPLAY')
  } else {
    result = mark(false, 'REACT_PLAYER_NOPLAY')
  return result


A React component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, SoundCloud, Streamable, Vimeo, Wistia and DailyMotion

Latest version published 9 months ago

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