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function showNotification(type, title, message) {
title: title,
message: message,
type: type,
insert: "top",
container: "top-right",
animationIn: ["animated", "fadeIn"],
animationOut: ["animated", "fadeOut"],
width: 200,
dismiss: {
duration: 3000,
onScreen: true
const addNotification = () => {
title: "Just added to your cart 😊",
message: `${product.title} / ${productVariant.title}`,
type: "success",
insert: "top",
container: "bottom-right",
animationIn: ["animated", "fadeIn"],
animationOut: ["animated", "fadeOut"],
dismissable: { click: true },
dismiss: { duration: 4000 }
addNotification: (options: React.ReactNode | NotificationOptions) => {
const transformedOptions = getTransformedOptions(options);
container: 'top-right',
animationIn: ['animated', 'fadeIn', 'faster'],
animationOut: ['animated', 'fadeOut', 'faster'],
slidingEnter: enterExitAnimation,
slidingExit: enterExitAnimation,
touchRevert: enterExitAnimation,
touchSlidingExit: {
swipe: enterExitAnimation,
fade: enterExitAnimation,
dismiss: {
duration: transformedOptions.duration,
pauseOnHover: true,
waitForAnimation: false,
click: false,
touch: false,
function showNotification(type, title, message) {
title: title,
message: message,
type: type,
insert: "top",
container: "top-right",
animationIn: ["animated", "fadeIn"],
animationOut: ["animated", "fadeOut"],
width: 200,
dismiss: {
duration: 3000,
onScreen: true
function showNotification(type, title, message) {
title: title,
message: message,
type: type,
insert: "top",
container: "top-right",
animationIn: ["animated", "fadeIn"],
animationOut: ["animated", "fadeOut"],
width: 200,
dismiss: {
duration: 3000,
onScreen: true
function showNotification(type, title, message) {
title: title,
message: message,
type: type,
insert: "top",
container: "top-right",
animationIn: ["animated", "fadeIn"],
animationOut: ["animated", "fadeOut"],
width: 200,
dismiss: {
duration: 3000,
onScreen: true