How to use react-native-sha256 - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-native-sha256 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github demokratie-live / democracy-client / src / graphql / client.js View on Github external
const decodedRefreshToken = jwtDecode(refreshToken);

    const currentTime = / 1000;
    if (decodedToken.exp >= currentTime || decodedRefreshToken.exp >= currentTime) {
      // Token valid
      return {
        headers: {
          'x-token': token,
          'x-refresh-token': refreshToken,
  // No (valid) Token present - login
  const deviceHash = await sha256(DeviceInfo.getUniqueID());
  const phoneHash = await AsyncStorage.getItem('auth_phoneHash');
  const newHeaders = {
    'x-device-hash': deviceHash,
  if (phoneHash) {
    newHeaders['x-phone-hash'] = phoneHash;
  return { headers: newHeaders };
github demokratie-live / democracy-client / src / screens / SmsVerification / Code.js View on Github external
onChangeCode = async code => {
    if (code.length === 6) {
      const phoneNumber = await AsyncStorage.getItem('auth_phone');
      const phoneNumberHash = await sha256(phoneNumber);
      const res = await this.props.requestVerification({
        variables: { code, newPhoneHash: phoneNumberHash },
      if ( {
        AsyncStorage.setItem('auth_phoneHash', phoneNumberHash);
          screen: 'democracy.SmsVerification.Success',
          backButtonTitle: 'Zurück',
          passProps: {
            onComplete: this.props.onComplete,
          navigatorStyle: { navBarHidden: true },
      } else {
        this.showNotification({ message: });


Native sha256 react-native

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Popular react-native-sha256 functions